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Help with the Sell! SELL! avatar?


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So the solution on TDN for this avatar reads:


Have over 1 million invested in your stocks, and view your Portfolio.



I have stocks in my portfolio that both cost me over a million NPs and are currently selling for a over a million (I wasn't sure what the description meant by "invested in"). But when I visit my portfolio and refresh, no avatar. Am I missing something?


Frustrating because I only invested in the stock market for the avvie, I want to get it and be done, so I can sell it all and get my NPs back in the bank. :P

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It's not there. :(



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Invested just means how much you put into it. If you have put in over a million in the stocks you should have the avatar. Did you get it awhile back without realizing it? If not take a screenie of it and send TNT a ticket.

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I do have shares in KSON. That's a real bummer that you can't get the avatar like that. *sigh*


Do the other high priced stocks also prevent you from getting the av? Namely, VPTS?


I sent in a ticket so I don't know if I should sell off my KSON stock now or wait to hear back from TNT. Especially since it could potentially be weeks before the ticket is answered.

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  • 4 weeks later...

That can't be :eh: I got my avatar only with KSON stocks. They were about 960 then, so I bought 1000 of them. Next day they went up a bit + I bought few more, to be just above 1 mil. and I got the avatar. Then I immediately sold them..


So I don't think this is the problem ..

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I am also having probs with this one. I think KSON is my prob. I'm not too hot on stocks but if someone else could look and tell me if i'm right. I bought 1000 stocks at 1043np each but the total paid says only 1000 which means that in my total column i have a figure that is way lower than it ought to be even though the market value column is showing the right figure. Hence no avvie.

Screenie of my portfolio...


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That can't be :eh: I got my avatar only with KSON stocks. They were about 960 then, so I bought 1000 of them. Next day they went up a bit + I bought few more, to be just above 1 mil. and I got the avatar. Then I immediately sold them..


So I don't think this is the problem ..


KSON doesn't count any more because it's worth over 1000 np per stock (so if it counted, you could get the avatar in one fell swoop and then sell everything!)

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I am also having probs with this one. I think KSON is my prob. I'm not too hot on stocks but if someone else could look and tell me if i'm right. I bought 1000 stocks at 1043np each but the total paid says only 1000 which means that in my total column i have a figure that is way lower than it ought to be even though the market value column is showing the right figure. Hence no avvie.

Screenie of my portfolio...



you have to have the 1m in the PAID column, this is what they mean by the invested in that is why some of you might not be getting the avie

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KSON doesn't count any more because it's worth over 1000 np per stock (so if it counted, you could get the avatar in one fell swoop and then sell everything!)


They way I got it :D


Is this recent? I got the avatar like this in December.

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