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It's wonderful news. Perhaps I can write something again sometime? I've always enjoyed writing!


And my quote is the "Quote Of The Week", I'm so glad they enjoyed it.


In reality, you can play a game much like "Kacheek Seek", although it involves YOU hiding and physically having to move. This can be a scary concept, as reality is in 3D and provides endless possibilities for your foes to hide. Also, it is not the social norm for them to give you money if you end up finding them.



Ha! Nice. I enjoyed that--and I see why they picked the Kacheek Seek quote. I could see you (okay, I can see some imagined girl, since I don't know what you look like) crouching on your knees to say that completely deadpan to a third grader. "Okay, sweetie, I know this is hard, but you can do it. It's just like the one you've played on neopets, but it's going to be harder because reality is in 3D..."


Congrats on your shiny new trophy XD


Congrats! I've been looking forward to reading your article since you said you would be published.


I absolutely loved it! It was a great article. :D


congrats :) writing for the NT is really enjoyable .. I have to do it again soon .. I have ideas but nothing complete yet ... :)


Congrats! I really enjoyed reading your article, and I never read the NT


^^ I like writing articles. I'm actually brain storming some more. I like stories, don't get me wrong, but I'm not into really thinking it up with Neopet related characters. Hopefully I can get another one, thanks for the support guys!


congrats :) writing for the NT is really enjoyable .. I have to do it again soon .. I have ideas but nothing complete yet ..


It is enjoyable, and encouraging. I've had a lot of nice compliments. ^^ I should write often, I think. And you should too. I always find it impressive when I see people with a lot of articles. :P :D


Wow; i really thought I commented on this thread earlier.... :/


Anyway; congrats on getting in AND being quoted! Awesomesauce! *applauds*


Congratulations on being published and hopefully the royalties will start pouring in soon...Oh wait a moment I don't think that happens in Neopia....

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