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So its coming up to trophy day and restockers galore day aswell :P, so i was wondering what trophies are you going to be trying to get on this trophy day.


I'm trying to get the wingoball one atm and i have my eye on a couple of others but i don't know whether i'll be able to make a proper attempt at them as uni work is making me super busy and super demotivated (hate maya and virtools) but ahwell always next month or the month after actually i have exams next month.


also feel free to spread your trophy grabbing tips, i usually spend a day practicing on the game i'm trying to trophy, and keep my highest score in a seperate tab just incase i can't beat it then send close to the end of the day.


Last month I got PetPet Sitter Bronze. I may try for the Silver tomorrow. Hopefully. I may also try for Carnival Of Terror; but I doubt it, or Freaky Factory.


^^ It's difficult. Oh, as well, I'm thinking perhaps Mortog and try my luck for a trophy there. It's always been a nice game to me and I see a lot of people with it as a trophy, despite it being a luck game.


=) Hope I get something, but there's always future months. :P


My only tip: DO NOT forget the 12:40 rule! *mutters under breath* I had a simply spectacular Bouncy Supreme score this one time, and then suddenly, I didn't.


Oh, yes, and be aware of what the highest score allowed without review is. April 1st falls on a weekend, so TNT probably won't review scores until they are back in the office. If you get the highest score that's lower than the review score, and they don't review...


I probably won't try for any trophies this month. If I do, it will be Bouncy Supreme again. Every time I do it, I'm in the top 50 but not in the trophy range. Maybe I'll try Snowbeast Snackrifice, but only because the score for review is ridiculously low--60, if you can believe that! That only gives you 667 points, so why is it even reviewed? But meanwhile, it is.

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