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Password Amnesia and a Deactivate Email Account.


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I can't figure out my password for my side account, and I can't retrieve it either because it sends it to my old email address which I deactivate quite a while ago. I submitted a ticket and TNT sent me the password...to the deactivate account. I asked to have it sent to my updated email and was told that "since the account has been inactive for so long, we cannot release a password to an email address that has never been associated to the account."


So is my side account gone for good unless I can remember my blasted password?

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Sometimes, it's possible to recreate old email addresses (if they are not used by anyone right now)... so that is something you might want to investigate.


That's the only option I see for you right now.

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i've been trying for 4 months. as far as tnt is concerned if you don't have the email address they won't do it for me either. even though it states that it is the side account of my main.


good luck though, if you can try and remember as much detail as possible they might give it back to you, at the moment i've had no joy though :(

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Thanks, Xepha I'll try to reactivate it if I can...


And I feel you, Natalie! I'm just grumpy that even though I passed all the security questions and the old emails were linked, they wouldnt send it. I'm trying to immerse myself in my 12 year old brain and figure out what my password could have been :/

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Your password, when you were 12 years old, was probably not overly complicated...

I'd try name of your real life pets, name of your crush, numbers that can mean something to you such as a phone number, an address, birthday...


The password probably contains one digit or symbol, since TNT made us all integrate them to be "secure" at some point in the past.

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