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Phew, it took me a few hours of practice but I got it: 3616. And I got the avatar (obviously) to top it off :)

The tips earlier in this topic helped me a lot: make vertical combo's on the bottom half of the screen. I managed my score with this technique, only making 3-combo's.

Good luck everyone!

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AAAAAAARGHHHHH!!!!!! died at 3539! I know I can do it, I used to play this all the time when I just started neo and i went way in the 4000 every time.... Off to try again then... *sighs*

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Haha an "easy" challenge. What a joke. These puzzle games are really irritating, especially with a time limit. I'm only able to get to the avatar score once. Past 2000 is a no, no matter how many tips I hear, although that vertical match one was pretty good until there were no more obvious matches and 'pyramibread' wasn't cutting it. Ack.


EDIT: OMGSH it's actually easy once you overcome the 2500 mark, probably by practice and luck. But I has no partner so I must wait. But I did it so I'm happy. I almost died trying to get this score, I actually thought I wasn't going to make it. D:

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