Aalnius Posted March 17, 2012 Posted March 17, 2012 So for the last couple of weeks i've been trying to feed a kad in hopes of getting the trophy and maybe the avatar, but everytime i'd miss out on feeding them either having just bought expensive food or missed the entire main and i even tried getting the unbuyables to feed them but people beat me to that aswell. so i started thinking maybe just maybe its the same reason i can't get a MOAB on cod because my connetion at my accomadation sucks i mean 2mb split between 20 people :/ so i decided to try doing some kad feeding at uni and my first session i got 5 kads fed :D so now when i'm at uni and feeling a little bored i'm gonna abuse their 100mb+ connection and feed kads. luckily my connection at home is supposed to be getting doubled when i finish uni for the year so hopefullyi'll be able to continue and not have to wait 6 months. also my kad feeds stands at 12 feeds and alot of misses (i still can't always get them fed first) Quote
Saxen Posted March 17, 2012 Posted March 17, 2012 Woo congrats on the Kad feeds! :D I've been given some excellent advice regarding how to do it but have yet to put it into action - those sorts of things make my heart race XD Quote
nelle Posted March 17, 2012 Posted March 17, 2012 That's great! Connection is so important for many things on neopets, especially refreshing shops and what-not. Saxen - what advice were you given? Quote
behemothrules Posted March 17, 2012 Posted March 17, 2012 Congrats! I havent even attempted to feed any kads because I know that my connection will let me down Quote
Xepha Posted March 17, 2012 Posted March 17, 2012 The number one rule of Kadding... clicking faster :P So of course, the speed of your Internet has a big impact on it. XD Quote
skylee Posted March 18, 2012 Posted March 18, 2012 pretty cool. too bad my connection is not that great Quote
linsta Posted March 19, 2012 Posted March 19, 2012 If anyone's interested, I can give some tips on feeding kads! I started feeding kads last week, and I fed 47 in 5 days (obsessive...but I got bored after that and stopped -.-). Plus, I've only ever missed like.. less than 5 times out of all those feeds, which is ~90% feed rate ^.^ Anyways, if people are interested, I'll post some small tips I've picked up. Small things always make all the difference right? ;) Quote
Spritzie Posted March 19, 2012 Posted March 19, 2012 Linsta, I'd love some tips. :D I've yet to try it, but I want to eventually go for the avatar. Quote
muppetelle Posted March 19, 2012 Posted March 19, 2012 I'd love some tips too, I've never tried it, but might if I had some ideas where to start! :) Quote
sftangliz Posted March 19, 2012 Posted March 19, 2012 All the luck I've had feeding Kads has been bad, pokes at 1 Kad feed trophy. Quote
linsta Posted March 20, 2012 Posted March 20, 2012 Well, I can impart whatever knowledge I know that's helped me feed kads ^.^ Tip #1 (most important!): Not sure if everyone knows it, but when you buy an item from a shop, you DON'T HAVE TO WAIT for the page to load. So you know how you click the item, and get a pop up, then you hit enter? You can click on the kad IMMEDIATELY after you hit enter (I hit enter on the keyboard, not click, as it's faster). The second you click the item, you already have it and can feed the kad. This saves a ton of time. Tip #2: Have the SW window side by side with the kad window, NOT merely in another tab in the same window. This reduces the number of clicks you need to feed. I actually keep like 3 tabs on the SW window, all with the SW open, search identical selected, and the search box selected (so when I click the tab, I dont' have to click the search bar, since it's already selected). This helps if you want to try again if someone feeds the first kad you go for. It saves a lot of time to just click on a new SW tab, and paste the item, than having to hit back>>back>>and delete the search box to make a new search. I will actually try up to 3 kads if I don't get it on the first or 2nd try. Tip #3: Pick a kad, and stick to the same spot. Look at who previously fed in that spot. If I see that person has fed like 8000 kads.. then I pick another spot. I try to find someone who's fed <75 kads because then it's easy peasy. If you're successful, just stick to the same spot. Tip #4: Hover your mouse over where the food name will appear, which is UNDER the kad. That way when the kads restock, you won't need to move your mouse at all. When you see the food appear, triple click to select it (don't click-drag to select, that's slow), and use ctrl+c and ctrl+v to copy/paste. Tip #5: Make sure your sw window isn't covering the kad you want, otherwise you will have to click twice.. one to get the window on top, and again to feed the kad. If your kad is visible, you can just click once and you're done. This is also why you want your SW in a separate window instead of in the same window on a different tab. Anyways... hopefully this helps... This is just how I kad-feed. Often I refresh like 3-5s too late, and I still manage to feed a kad *most* of the time on the first try. If not the first try, I'll get it on the 2nd.. or the 3rd even... very rarely do I not feed at all. And if the item is over 20k, I usually just go back and try a different kad and still have plenty of time to feed it. So you see you don't have to be SUPER quick! It's really easy if you give it a few goes and get used to it. I'm a pretty fast clicker, but I'm also easily distracted and refresh late most of the time anyways. Oh and most importantly, DON'T panic, haha xD. Don't get discouraged if you miss the first few tries. More than likely, it's because you're heart is pumping and you trip up (at least, that happens to me). Once you get a few feeds, you will feel more confident and be able to click quickly and confidently :)! ------ PS. Did you know when your adrenaline gets going, everything seems to slow down because your brain is actually working 30% faster? So your heart starts pumping, you may feel like you're moving slow, but it's probably the opposite, so take advantage of your super-human speed ;) Quote
muppetelle Posted March 20, 2012 Posted March 20, 2012 This is briliant! Next time I have a day off while the boy is at school I'm going to try! (I have a feeling I'll be rubbish tho) but they are really great tips :) :) Quote
Aalnius Posted March 20, 2012 Author Posted March 20, 2012 don't forget to keep track of the main times by using the neoboard theres usually a thread there, also most people usually refresh a couple of seconds into the main time as refreshing early sometimes makes you miss the main. Quote
linsta Posted March 20, 2012 Posted March 20, 2012 don't forget to keep track of the main times by using the neoboard theres usually a thread there, also most people usually refresh a couple of seconds into the main time as refreshing early sometimes makes you miss the main. Lol, I start spam refreshing from like :18-:30 Sometimes I refresh over the main but it's just like 1s delay and I've never missed because of it :< Quote
Trig Posted March 21, 2012 Posted March 21, 2012 Hm, those are some excellent kad tips! When I get back from my 3 months away I might just have to test them out! Thanks for the advice! :) Quote
emmz_emmz_ Posted March 21, 2012 Posted March 21, 2012 I really need to start doing this! I've always wanted to feed Kads but never actually got around to it. New goal I think! Quote
tytio Posted March 23, 2012 Posted March 23, 2012 I stopped kkadding a bit ago. I think i only have like 13. i would generally have about 45 kad foods in my invent. Quote
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