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Not my precious plushie! D:


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So, I've been refreshing at the Igloo Garage Sale all day, hunting for plushies I didn't have, and I finally see a Rainbow Aisha plushie. Of course, I hurry and buy it before it's sold out and I open a new tab to move it from my inventory to my SDB. No sooner than i open the new tab, I see a negative random event...and out of everything else in my inventory that has a high rarity, a Sloth minion steals my brand new plushie before I can get it to safety! I'm not mad because I only paid 200-ish np for it and it was only worth about 500np, but still! I had lasted so long without a pant devil attack or a visit from sloth. Why does my poor, innocent little plushie have to suffer? :sad02: Has anyone else had a bunch of high rarity things in their inventory that they didnt really mind getting taken, but a random event stole the 1 thing they DID wanna keep (though it wasn't as high rarity as the other things)? *sigh* Back to staking out the Garage Sale for me. :shiftyeyes_anim:

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Oh... so sorry to hear that... Some RE are just bad and you can't do anything about it :( I never had such bad luck that some valuable item would be taken or disappear because usually I have only junk in my inventory :D


But it happened to me twice that my pet become invisible because of RE and I was so sad because I spent a lot of money for PB.... But.... that kind of things happened in Neopia ;) heheheh




I sent you your lost Aisha ;)

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those pesky Sloth minion! lol but yea i keep like over 40 junk items from dailies that im too lazy to short through in my inventory basically at all times. so when a bad RE does hit me... it tends to be an omelet or some old boot :D

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the most expensive item that was stolen from me by that Grundo Chief was Neopian Philharmonic CD which I had purchased for 100k (this was in 2004 or so when the Neopian Philharmonic had just been released and 100k was a big deal) ... luckily my guild leader at the time sent me one immediately ....

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Wow, I think I'd go insane if a paintbrush or an item i got for 100,000np was stolen. I guess I actually got off lucky this time. >.>

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Something like that almost happened to me today. The Pant Devil stole my Void Plant right after I put my Job Coupon in the Trading Post. I had a feeling that would've been stolen had I not put it in there... And my Glowing Paint Brush was stolen a while back out of an inventory of over 50... :sick02:

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Sorry to hear that! So far I've been lucky enough not to have gotten any really bad REs, I just hope that when the Pant Devil does hit me, he wont take anything I'd be too upset about :shiftyeyes_anim:

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i always get a feeling of great satisfaction when i get the pant devil on the WoE and he can't steal anything because muahaha inventory empty *evil grin*


sloth minion has stolen a few items.. just after i got them, scratchcards, codestones BLEH.


that invisible RE is the worst. i was so guttered by my poor baby becoming invisible :(

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