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been 15 today. :( Today would have been my dog's 15th birthday but he passed away last summer. I just miss him so much still and I was thinking about him today of all days of course. He was such a great dog, a playful shih tzu infact. At times I actually thought he and I could read eachothers' minds, we were really that close.

I know all the animal lovers can understand. <3

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Awe, I'm sorry to hear about that- but happy birthday to your puppy- I'm sure he's in puppy dog heaven somewhere (or whichever you believe in :))

I completely understand- my best friend, who happened to be a havanese (closely related to the shih tzu), passed away about 3 weeks ago. It's hard to believe it's been that long without him- I still miss him dearly. He was only 10 and a half, but sadly we found out a week before his passing that he had cancer. He was in a lot of pain and could hardly breathe, so we put him down- it was for the best. Just know that your dog is in a happier place now, he isn't in pain, and he's enjoying the life of a puppy once again. And maybe our dogs are meeting up there :) A lot of people that don't own dogs don't understand- but I completely understand and I'm sorry for your loss.

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*hugs you* This is just so sad :( I don't have a dog, but I do have a cat, that's always inside and I can't imagine something would happen to him. :(


Were you thinking about getting another puppy?

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