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Does anyone know how to make sure a background is the same size as the browser window? I was trying to edit an image and size it to fit on the screen, but couldn't get it to work.


I think it might have been my image host, actually. I was using PhotoBucket and I assumed it was resizing all my uploaded images, but then I also tried it with Flickr and those images didn't even show up...


I found some other sites on the web, but they used javascript which I don't know... I just couldn't find it in a Neopets context.


Your best bet is to use a seamless pattern and repeat it...

That way, you are sure to cover any resolutions, small or big. ;)


If you need more specific help, show me the picture you were trying to fit and I can probably come with a solution.


body {
background-color: #102541;
background: url("http://kimibaka.free.fr/angelxepha/prestige-COD2.gif");

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