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Tips/Advice for HTS Items?


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I've been trying to sell some items for a LONG time. Granted, I haven't been listing them constantly but I've had them all on TP multiple times and never even get a bite. Is there some trick? Or is it basically just waiting and hoping someone sees it and makes a decent offer? Some items I'm not even sure what they're worth since other people selling list it as "nm offer".


The items in question are: Popular Neopian Stories, Black Roses, Cookie Tree, Grarrg Stamp, Purple Chia Mirror, Nabile Plushie, and Yellow Healthshroom.

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I'm not an expert by any means, since I don't normally end up with expensive, HTS items, but I think it might be a good idea to come up with a price for the items. Find a price you would be content with selling them for, and place that in the wishlist.


I personally tend to completely ignore lots that don't have an amount they're looking for. I like to have a ballpark idea of what they want for it.

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Yeah...you're probably right about the prices thing. I checked again on the TP and some other people have added some of the same items as me but with a price so I can work with that. I'm just worried about horribly under pricing and shooting myself in the foot XD

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You will never get the full asking price on a HTS item. If none are priced currently, ask for double what you'd actually be happy with. If there are some priced, you can say "20k lower than lowest on TP" (or something), to stop undercutting wars between sellers, which will really devalue the item.


Re-list them every few days, so yours appears in the most recent results.


If you're really lost with the value, refer to JN's database which has some prices ( http://items.jellyneo.net/ )

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Thanks for all the tips guys. I stuck them up on auction for a few days to see if that'll bring any sort of luck. I swear, even though they're supposed to be 'worth' something, it's almost like they're completely worthless :\ It's frustrating.

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If your auctions don't work ensure you put a price (as people have said). I myself completely skip over trading post items that have no price! Also, relist every day or so- especially if a lot of them are popping up on the trading post- you want to be sure yours shows up!

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I myself would like to buy your Nabile Plushie. I collected plushes ages ago, they are in the SDB atm, but more has been released since I started a couple years ago, and I used to use Nabile as an avatar, for a looooooooong time.


What price would you be asking for it? I don't have a lot, I spent all my NPs on a Draik egg recently, but maybe a trade for an item in my gallery? or pet transfer for draik and meowclops av. let me know via neomail. I'm not on the forums very often

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I wasn't going to sell my NP, offering I had them for av trade o_O I think I two windows open and the time and on the phone, so probably added that to the wrong thread


Anyway about the Nabile plushie, I got your neomail, but said I had to be your friend to reply, and then again, said you aren't accepting neofriends, so I dunno friend me. I'll send you a PM here too

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