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Fingers crossed - poogle mp - ffq!


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Please could everybody cross their fingers for me! I have put a bid on a trade for a rainbow poogle mp!


I've decided that I definitely want my ffq to be for a poogle, I've yet to decide between plushie, zombie or ummm well mostly those two, but I definitely want it to be a poogle...


I've even started shopping for backgrounds, so that I can get exactly the right look for my new pet, I've adopted a new one and called him Donterosis, so that he has a good name too, (although it sounds a little like a tooth ailment after I named it) ;)


I'm sooooooooo excited <3

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Haven't quite decided! Maybe plushie, maybe zombie or maybe transparent (I haven't even checked if you can do transparent on a ffq!) I'm very undecided!!!

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You can't do msp on ffq's I don't think, unfortunately, else I would go for that like a shot, I think they're totally fabulous! I really like transparent too, and I haven't seen that many yet!

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fingers, toes and eyes all crossed! good luck with the potion (rainbow is a cool colour as well :P)


got a crafting quest today for the plushie. now officially had all the quests for all the items i don't want. bah. good luck for FFQ too!! :D :D :D

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I got a crafting quest today too, decided I'd give it a go, I got glittery patchy (something like that) wings, they're quite sweet, you can see them on my mynci :0)


Good luck for a quest you need more tmw <3

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Thank you you little sweetie (get it sweetie! ;) ) I am so excited keep refreshing to see if he's accepted the trade, but off for a few hours now to rl, so hopefully he'll have accepted when I get back *crosses everything* *can't type anymore cos of crossed eyes* :S

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*crosses fingers* :D


Transparent Poogle sounds super awesome! I love Transparent pets :)

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aww you lot are just so lovely <3 I've still got my fingers crossed... hours later, he still hasn't replied, still haven't decided between zombie & translucent, I might have to toss a coin :O




Update: I got it!!! The guy took my first offer and I have a rainbow poogle morphing potion safely tucked in my sdb! Wahoooooooooooo *runs around the board doing high fives* wahooooooooooooooo <3 Still not sure which I'm going for tho LOL ;)

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Had I known this I would have offered you one of the 3 poogles on devils_orchard... Offer still stands by the way, if you want to sell the MP. ;) Go check them out. I only created them for zapping purposes, but I am ccurrently zapping Mindgame and I only have one lab. ;)


And MSP are awesome! *hugs Swempel and Coruypt*

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Ooh that is SO KIND but I couldn't do that, you got them - they're yours, if I get any lab pieces you can have them! (haven't had one for ages tho :O )


Swembel and Corupyt are AWESOME :O

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All three have lovely names, I would be happy with any of them, but only if you're REALLY sure? I could adopt you a new one on poogle day, I checked it's not till September which was why I couldn't wait LOL ;)

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All three have lovely names, I would be happy with any of them, but only if you're REALLY sure? I could adopt you a new one on poogle day, I checked it's not till September which was why I couldn't wait LOL ;)


I'm 100% sure. Always happy to help other players. :D Is there a name that you prefer?


edit: Sorry it took a while, I was on the phone with an ignorant salesperson...

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Estalon, only because it's E for Elle LOL


Could it go to http://www.neopets.com/userlookup.phtml?user=muppetandminimuppet my side for a week, just because I created Donterosis today, and I can't move him for 7 days :S


You are a complete and utter Neo Angel for this, also he/she will mean more to me, cos you know, it was a present :) :) :) <3

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Estalon, only because it's E for Elle LOL


Could it go to http://www.neopets.c...etandminimuppet my side for a week, just because I created Donterosis today, and I can't move him for 7 days :S


You are a complete and utter Neo Angel for this, also he/she will mean more to me, cos you know, it was a present :) :) :) <3


Of course! And you are very welcome ^_^ I'll go and send Estalon over right now :D


edit: muppetandminimuppet has not yet adopted Estalon.


:D Hope you'll enjoy him!

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Ooh I'm so excited! I still can't decide which colour, but I now have a week to decide, plushie/zombie/transparent!! Thank you again!!! I'm not actually sure I'll ever be able to say thank you enough, not cos it saved me the np's, just cos I'm a soppy old thing, and the thought that you'd do that for me, makes him doubly triply special :)


Disclaimer: Its very late, I might have been celebrating hic ;)

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