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I need a number to contact TNT about my account being wrongfully frozen .. and before you say "submit a ticket" i wanna say that the ticket sytem is no good .. if anyone knows a way i can call .. i know premium members know the number i used to have premium . if i can kindly get it i would be very thankful :)

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There is a phone number for TNT, however it will take you to the billing department only. Billing will not transfer you anywhere else in the company & billing cannot help you with hacked/frozen accounts. They only handle the money and more often than not they don't have much of an idea what goes on with the rest of the company.


I know the ticket center is awful, but you need to send a ticket if you want your account back. Going through the proper channels is what works for everyone.

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The only number is the billing department and I know that. They don't have office/company number because they are owned by Nickelodeon and because they don't take phone calls, only the ticket system is how to reach them. If premium users say they have the number, they are lying, and probably trying to hack your account, or just being jerks.

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The Premium number only contacts Premium support - they can do absolutely nothing to help you with your frozen account.

I've never come across a working office number for TNT in my 11 years of playing - they don't deal with users that way, unfortunately. Beleive me, I've looked hundreds of times.


When my old main was frozen I submitted a ticket, contacted Premium support, wrote letters to TNT, I even faxed a few to different numbers I found. (like the one for faxing in parental permission forms) My letters were returned, and the faxes were never answered. :/


It really sucks, but that's how it is. :( I wish you lots of luck!

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well thank you all .. this is the second time getting frozen .. first time they said my account of 4 years was cheating on flash games... i never even knew you could do that :/ .. this time for buying and selling neopoints items and or pets ...... seriously? i am not going to pay for points or pets ill buy nc but thats it ... so anyway . i am just going to shy off neo again for a year or 2 like always .. well thanks anyway guys :)

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