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Hey, everyone. I'm Heather, a newbie from Australia. I'm 17, in year 12, and I've got hearing aids (any other deafies, give me a shout!)

Aside from Neopets, where I'm currently working on zapping my Xweetok into a chocolate Xweetok, I'm a fan of Doctor Who, anything Narnia, and books. I'm a very big fan of books.

So, that's me. Hi everyone :)

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Hello Heather!


I just want to say that I, too, am a huge fan of the Narnia books. It's like comfort food in book-form.


Wow, Australia is so far away. I'm in Canada, and it's still the 15th, but for you, it must be the 16th already. Bizarre...


I hope you like it here. The people are really sweet and helpful ^_^


- Alice

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Yay, another Narnia fan! And yes, it is strange sometimes. It's well into the 16th by now, it's mid afternoon. And summer, at that, after a rather soggy start to the season.

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I was replying to your Mad About Orange topic earlier. I'm Neomysterion, and I am a Daily Dare, Darigan Citadel, and Limited Edition Neopet fan.

I'm also a forum moderator, if you need anything, ask me or any staff member!

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Hey there. Thanks for the reply, by the way, and hi :)

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Thanks. I already am having a great time :) Been getting up to lots of posting today.

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Hey Heather ^_^ Nice to meet you. Books rule :D I haven't read the Narnia series but they're on me list! Welcome to the forums hun.

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Hi and nice to meet you! An Aussie huh? :D I'd like to visit Australia someday... My hubby has relatives there, I think in Melbourne... And I have a couple Kiwis in the family. :P


Anyway, Welcome, make yourself at home and have a great time!

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Thanks :) It's lovely getting so many replies :)

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Hi Heather! Welcome to the forums! I hope you enjoy it here :) Please let us know on December 21, 2012 what Australia is like- I'd like to know if I have to prepare for an impending disaster! :)

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Haha, I will. One of my friends actually turns 18 on that day.

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