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Plushie buzzes -- what do they trade for?


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So I'm planning to trade a plushie buzz (after I finish the paint job) and have never traded for pets before, ever. @_@ I've read up on the guide petpages but seriously have no idea which end is up or down or sideways even, lol. These are what I've been offered so far:


VWN/WN zombie poogle

VWN/WN halloween gelert

VWN/WN grey kacheek

VWN/WN zombie kacheek

VWN/WN robot kiko


If possible I'd like to trade for something that's not lower than what I already have, so...any pound chatters around? Thanks so much in advance for your help. C:


slight edit: not sure if they're VWN or WN (again, newbie here!) so adding a / in between

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Plushie can be gotten from a PB, and buzzes aren't LE.


Is your buzz a WN or VWN? Weigh in on how much you have to gain, I guess.


Poogle is a LE, but the rest are easily attainable. Halloween is awesome! And Robot and grey and all the colours basically are quite cool.


It depends, really, on what stas the other pet has, and how much you actually want it. You got a great deal with the VWNs, already! :D

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thankies. C: well, it's a fountain custom, so the name is whatever the owner wants it to be, i guess!


people on the pound chat were telling me NOT to trade it for the zombie poog, because apparently zombies are an underoffer, but i don't really understand why. i thought zombies were pretty high up? guess not?


yes the names are all lovely, which is something i'm happy about. tbh i don't really understand pound trading, since royals are considered pretty high up on the totem, but the pbs can be bought for less than 3 mill. i wish there was a blue book for neopet trading, lol.

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I think it's about what makes people happy, tbh. I am rather fond of my pets (or at least as much as I can be of pics on my screen!), but if trading makes someone happy, I don't have that much of a beef with it. I've never really bothered with the whole mess, but I can see why it'd be interesting, especially if it ends up getting you a pet you really want (and vice versa with someone else).

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If you're trading for a permie pet, then I agree, base your decision off how much you like the offer.


If you're trading for a pet to retrade, then I suggest asking those offers if you can advertise them, and then see what you could get on the retrade. Like, see what you're offered for trading the Grey Kacheek, or the Robo Kiko, etc. and help that make your decision. I obviously can't speak for everyone, but in my experience people are fine with you advertising your OTBs ("offer to beat"s).


Good luck!

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ah, thanks for the advice. :) the pound chat is a tad overwhelming since it moves so quickly, but i'll definitely give it a try later. (and i'd like to get a nice re-trade in, so hopefully i'll be able to figure out this value shiz soon!)

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The market is still kind of shaken from krawks/draiks deflating so much.


But, I'd say you can probably get what you want, providing you find the right person who wants a plushie buzz; however, keep in mind that the market will be over-saturated with people giving away Buzz customs due to the Faerie event.


If you get offered something that you like, then accept it. If not, google around and see if there's something that interests you and send your offer to the owner.


That said, you can probably find a pet with a similar value, at around 5-6ish mil. The pound will lower the value a bit from a plushie PBs value because you can get a plushie buzz MP for less and the market will be filled with Buzz customs until the event is over.


Royals are considered high up because it is a non-zappable colour, where as zombie is :P The only way to get one is to spend your hard earned Neopoints!


Do you have a specific pet(s) in mind that you'd like to trade for? :D

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Would you prefer any UC pets? You wouldnt be able to get any that are WN though...

You won't get any UC for a FFQ on a buzz. It's hard enough to get nice (i.e. not VBN mutant) UCs with a Draik+FFQ custom.


Just try to find something you really like. All the offers you've gotten are fair, but labbable (which plushie is not). If you want any royal/usuki pets, use this opportunity to get one.

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thanks so much for the answers! i've chatted a bit on the neoboards and think i've finally figured things out (somewhat). someone offered a VWN choco xwee, so i think i'll be going with that -- hopefully i'll end up trading it for a gnorbu dreamie *crosses fingers* :P


again, thank you all, wonderfully helpful <3 (and thanks especially hrtbrk for that info!)

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