khaos Posted February 16, 2012 Author Posted February 16, 2012 I walked into the gym and in front of Brock. My battle was over, and I walked out. Quote
Tedhaun Posted February 16, 2012 Posted February 16, 2012 "At least Double Kick came in handy, and your Nidoran (Male)'s Poison Point ability as well." I said to Khaos. "Now let's see how I can pull this off. Brock, I asking for a Gym Battle from you." Brock accepts it, and sends out a Geodude. I send out my Butterfree to fight against Brock's Pokemon. Butterfree used PoisonPowder to start things off, and poisons Brock's Geodude. Geodude starts to damage Butterfree with a Tackle attack, and Butterfree's HP lowered down a little. Geodude's HP dropped a little due to poison. Butterfree used Confusion, and Geodude's HP dropped a bit more than halfway. Brock's Geodude used Defense Curl to boost its defense. Geodude's HP dropped a bit more due to poison. Butterfree finishes Geodude with another Confusion, and Geodude fainted. "You've tamed that Butterfree pretty well," said Brock, "but let's see what it takes to defeat my prized Pokemon, Onix!" Brock sends out his Onix. Butterfree almost shuddered at how huge Brock's Onix was. Butterfree was more brave than that, and Butterfree used Sleep Powder to put Onix to sleep. Onix couldn't move due to sleep. Butterfree used Confusion to inflict a good deal of damage on Onix, and it got confused upon being damaged. Onix was still fast asleep. Butterfree used Confusion again, and Onix's HP dropped down to a sliver. Onix woke up, but he was confused. He hit himself in his own confusion, but didn't faint yet. Brock recovers his Onix with a Potion, but it only healed some of its HP. Butterfree used PoisonPowder to poison Onix, and Onix was left Poisoned. Brock wasn't in a good position when his Onix was both poisoned and confused. Onix felt some HP loss due to poison. Butterfree finishes things off with another Confusion, and Onix fainted. Butterfree elevated to Lv. 14 after fighting Brock. Brock congratulates me and said, "That Butterfree of yours had a clever strategy to take down my Rock-types. Now go ahead and take this Boulder Badge from me, and this TM 39 (Rock Tomb) as a token of my congratulations." :yes: I put the Boulder Badge in my Badge carrying case, received prize money, and the TM 39 (Rock Tomb) in the TM/HMs pocket of my Bag. "Wow Butterfree, those powders really did the trick!" Butterfree was pleased by his owner's message. ^_^ "Now let's heal you and go to Mt. Moon and the Cerulean Gym!" I take my party to the Pokemon Center to have them recovered, stock up on a few Potions, and hit the road. Quote
flyingeevee Posted February 16, 2012 Posted February 16, 2012 I woke up with loads of energy and noticed my friends never stopped by or even noticed that I was asleep on the sofa at the Pokemon Center. I thought to myself it was probably best that I go face Brock now in case everyone else already did. I made my way towards the gym and I was first challenged by some camper that believes I can't light years away from Brock. "But he's just over there!" I exclaimed and pointed to Brock. Turns out the kid didn't hear me and sent out a Diglett. I called out Lilka to finally get some battling done. "Show them the Tackle you've been waiting to use Lilka," I cried out. Diglett was still faster than Lilka and gave her a Sand Attack right in the face, causing her to miss. "That's alright girl, try again!" Lilka tried her best to clean off the sand and gave the Diglett one of her best Tackles, knocking him out thanks to her Adaptability. I called Lilka back so that Rinoa can get one more battle in before facing our real target. The camper sends out a Sandshrew and with a few Scratches here and there, the Sandshrew was just no problem at all! ~*~ I made my way towards Brock finally and challenged him to an epic match of life or death! Or just my first badge. Brock actually caught me off guard with his question. "Are you sure you wouldn't just wanna go on a romantic moonlit walk near Mt. Moon?" :D "............I rather just battle thank you," I simply said. He shrugs with a disappointed smile that then turned into a serious look. This was a REAL battle face if I've ever seen one. He sends out a Geodude to strike me first and so I start with Rinoa. I commanded Rinoa to just Double Kick at every opportunity as fast speed since Geodude is much slower. Of course, Geodude's defense was not to underestimate but the Double Kicking worked with Rinoa only taking minimal damage. Brock's next pokemon was the one that made my mouth drop though :O It was HUGE! "Rinoa! Show him a TAIL WHIP!" The look on Brock and Onix's face was soooo picture worthy if I had a camera! I continued to command Rinoa to Whip her Tail, distracting and lowering Onix's defense. Brock then tries to command Onix to tackle, actually doing a critical hit to Rinoa! "Rinoa, show him what your Double Kick can reallyyyyyy do!" Rinoa rushes her way to give one massive blow to Onix, doing a great deal of damage with just one kick, and then a final kick to finish this match. I rushed to Rinoa's side to pick her up and give her a BIG hug! :laughingsmiley: "THAT'S MY GIRL YEEEEAH!!!!" Rinoa even leveled up to 14 from that match! Accepting his defeat and praising my little Nidoran, he then gives me a Boulder Badge. I was expecting him to ask me out again, but I guess he got the picture that I wasn't interested and so, I made my way out of the gym with the badge on hand. I caught up to Neomysterion and Khaos to update them on my battle! Quote
Tedhaun Posted February 16, 2012 Posted February 16, 2012 "You showed Brock who was number one back over there in the Pewter Gym, way to go!" I said to Eevee. As I head to the next route that's right of Pewter City, A Youngster comes up to me and asks for a battle. I accepted as always. The Youngster sends out a Spearow as his first Pokemon. I sent out my Pikachu. The enemy Spearow attacked first, and used a Peck attack. Pikachu's Static ability Paralyzed the Spearow on contact! Pikachu attacks with a Thundershock and damaged the Spearow halfway. Since Spearow was paralyzed, Pikachu can attack first! Pikachu used another Thundershock to finish Spearow and make it faint. Pikachu grew to Level 10, and learned Thunder Wave. The Youngster sends out Ekans as his next Pokemon. Pikachu used Thunder Wave to paralyze Ekans, and it worked! Ekans used Leer to lower Pikachu's defense. Pikachu used Thundershock to attack Ekans by 1/4th of it's HP. Ekans is fully paralyzed, so he couldn't move. :sad01_anim: Pikachu liked that, and he continued with another Thundershock, but it was a Critical Hit this time! Ekans was down to only 1/4th of its original health. Ekans attacked with a Poison Sting for revenge, and poison Pikachu. Pikachu is very sad and lost a bit of HP due to poison. :( My Pikachu used a Thundershock to finish the job, and Ekans fainted! Pikachu grew up to Level 11! I used an Antidote to ail Pikachu of his poison status, Pikachu was very happy after. :D I received the prize money from the Youngster and moved on! I encountered a Lass who wanted to clash against me, and I humbly accepted. (battle to begin in the next post) Quote
khaos Posted February 16, 2012 Author Posted February 16, 2012 "Hey, Eevee and Neomysterion! Looks like we all got our badges." *takes out badge case with boulderbadge in it* I walk over to the east when some rendom guy stops me. "Hey, here, have some running shoes! They're from your mom. ... Oh, yeah, I'm Prof. Oak's assistant." "...Oh." I said. I took the shoes and saw him running towards Eevee. After a few more steps, a girl comes up to me and says, "Hey, you looked at me, didn't you?" She sends out a Pidgey and I send out my Smoochum. She attacks with a Peck. Sophia dodges it and pounds her. Smoochum then used Sweet Kiss and confuses the Pidgey. The Pidgey hurts itself and I tell Sophia to Pound it again. The Pidgey faints, and she sends out a Chansey, which REALLY catches me by surprise. After a long series of Pounds, Softboiled, Potions, and more Pounds, the Chansey finally gives in. Smoochum gains a lot of experience and goes up to level 14, and learns Icy Wind. Quote
Tedhaun Posted February 16, 2012 Posted February 16, 2012 "It's a good thing that the three of us are on the same page with the badges. After I battle against this Lass, we'll head on to Mt. Moon and the Cerulean Gym!" The Lass sends out a Pidgey. I send out my Pikachu to fight. Pikachu gets the first move, and used Thundershock! Pidgey felt a Super Effective hit, and its HP dropped to 1/3rd remaining. Pidgey attacked back with a Gust, but the hit was Not Very Effective on Pikachu. Pikachu used a another Thundershock to finish Pidgey, and the Pidgey fainted. The next Pokemon the Lass sent out was a Jigglypuff. Pikachu kept on going on, and attacks with Thundershock to damage Jigglypuff a little. Jigglypuff used Sing, but the attack missed. Pikachu used Thunder Wave to paralyze Jigglypuff, and it landed in succession. Jigglypuff is now paralyzed, it may not be able to attack! Jigglypuff used Pound, and damaged Pikachu by 1/8th of its HP. Pikachu attacks with another Thundershock, and Jigglypuff felt a bit more damage. Jigglypuff was fully paralyzed, so she couldn't move. Pikachu was feeling a bit exhausted, so I switch him out with my Pidgey! Jigglypuff used Pound, and the hit landed on Pidgey. Pidgey used Tackle to damage Jigglypuff, and Jigglypuff was at 1/4th of its current health. Jigglypuff could not move due to paralysis. Pidgey used another Tackle to finish Jigglypuff, and she fainted. Pidgey grew up to Level 9, and learned Gust! Pikachu grew up to Level 12! I collected the prize money from the Lass and moved on. Quote
-Ryan Posted February 17, 2012 Posted February 17, 2012 Ryan's battle was nothing of interest considering his type advantage with Mudkip. Mudkip went up to level 12 from the battle. Quote
Tedhaun Posted February 17, 2012 Posted February 17, 2012 I said to Ryan: "That Mudkip of yours has been a reliable friend to you in your first Gym Leader fight. Treat him well, and you may find yourself succeeding over the Cinnabar Island and the Viridian City Gym Leaders someday." I come across a Bug Catcher along the way, and this one seemed tougher than his friends over at the Viridian Forest. He sends out a Butterfree as his first Pokemon. I sent out Pikachu to fight the enemy Butterfree. Pikachu used Thunder Wave to paralyze Butterfree, and it worked. Butterfree fights back with a Confusion, and hit Pikachu a little. Pikachu used Thundershock, and Butterfree got dealt with some Super Effective damage. Butterfree was not able to move due to paralysis. Pikachu launched another Thundershock, and Butterfree couldn't make it and fainted after that hit. Pikachu grew to Level 13. Pikachu wants to learn Quick Attack, but a move had to be sacrificed. Pikachu forgot Growl, and Pikachu learned Quick Attack! Pikachu deserved a rest, so I sent him back in his Pokeball. The Bug Catcher sends out a Beedrill. I sent out Cyndaquil to battle. Cyndaquil used Ember to damage Beedrill, and it was Super Effective! Beedrill used Fury Attack, and hit Cyndaquil two times. Cyndaquil used another Ember, and the hit was Super Effective, and burned Beedrill. Beedrill used Fury Attack again, and the damage was weaker due to its burn status. Beedrill couldn't survive the damage it got from its burn, and fainted. Cyndaquil grew up to Level 12 after victory. I get prize money for winning, and return to the Pokemon Center to recover my Pokemon, and move onward! Quote
khaos Posted February 17, 2012 Author Posted February 17, 2012 [Wow Ryan. Laziness much?] I walked further and fought a few people on the way. Now Smoochum and Nidoran were level 14. I walked in the grass, and found a Nidoran, a Pidgey, and a Spearow. After a while, I saw a Jigglypuff. "Hey, Eevee, is this considered cute enough to be on your team?" I shouted to her. Quote
Tedhaun Posted February 17, 2012 Posted February 17, 2012 When I gone back to the road to Mt. Moon, another Youngster wanted to fight me. He sent out a Rattata, I send out my Cyndaquil to fight. Cyndaquil used Ember to start things off, and damage Rattata down by 1/3rd of its HP. Rattata used Tail Whip to lower Cyndaquil's defense. Cyndaquil used Smokescreen to lower Rattata's accuracy. Rattata tried to use Tackle, but missed due to accuracy loss. Rattata used Quick Attack, and hit Cyndaquil by 1/4th of its HP. Cyndaquil used Ember to attack Rattata some more, and got burned. Rattata felt some damage from its burn. Cyndaquil finishes Rattata with an Ember, and the Rattata fainted. The Youngster sends out a Spearow as his next Pokemon. I sent out my Pikachu. Pikachu used Thundershock, and Spearow was dealt with Super Effective damage. Spearow was left with 1/2 of its current HP after the hit. Spearow used a Peck attack to hit Pikachu, but it was weak and Not Very Effective. Spearow was paralyzed due to Pikachu's Static ability. Pikachu used Thundershock again, and Spearow fainted. I receive prize money, and go to Pokemon Center near Mt. Moon to rest up my Pokemon. In the Pokemon Center, some bloke was selling a Magikarp for 500 Pokedollars (like in the actual game), he asked me if I wanted to buy it. I bought him since I had plans with the Magikarp in the long run. It was a Level 10 Magikarp. I put the Magikarp in the first slot in my Party so he can gain some experience when I switch to a different Pokemon later on. After that, I move on to Mt. Moon, and waiting for Khaos and Eevee to catch up. Quote
flyingeevee Posted February 17, 2012 Posted February 17, 2012 I heard Khaos from afar shouting about something cute. I like cute. Especially cute and powerful pokemon! :laughingsmiley: I power-walked my way east from Pewter City and noticed trainers just EVERYWHERE! "Oh my Arceus..." I exclaimed to Lilka and Rinoa next to me. /Lilka was thinking to herself bring them ALL ON! forward since all I did was beat up Lasses, Bug Trainers, Youngsters, and a boy obsessed with shorts! I kept my promise to let Lilka handle the majority of fights, unless they sent out some poison types like this one Ekans. They all learned to NOT mess with Lilka's Tackle attack since that is her deadliest (and only good move!). Of course all this took quite a bit of my time and I had to make a few trips back to the Pokemon Center just to heal up. Lilka now was at level 15 while Rinoa was still at 14. I finally defeated all the trainers in the small area, finding an Oran Berry on the ground randomly and as I saw Khaos waiting around in the grass. "Hey, Eevee, is this considered cute enough to be in your team?" he asked me while pointing to a random Jigglypuff. I'm surprised the cute thing didn't run off already! "OMGIT'SSOCUTESOOWANT!" I shouted loudly and almost scaring the Wild Jigglypuff away. I quickly commanded Lilka to attack! I thank goodness that that Jigglypuff didn't get knocked out because one Tackle almost sent it flying and also caused it to have very low health! I quickly grabbed an empty pokeball and threw it at the Jigglypuff. One shake......two shake.......NOOOOOOOO it got out! D: The Wild Jigglypuff got mad and used Sing! Lilka was now sound asleep I hate that Lilka fell asleep but I had to catch this thing now or never. I threw another empty pokeball and crossed my fingers. One shake....two shake....three shakes.....YES! I GOTS ME A JIGGLYPUFF!!!!!! I could tell Khaos was amused by the whole battle itself, especially since the crazy puffball almost caused me trouble! /"Zzzz" Lilka snored. I hugged my not-so-empty-anymore pokeball and then let my new pokemon out to properly greet Rinoa, Lilka when she awakens, and Khaos that saw the whole scene. I thanked Khaos for even alerting me of the Jigglypuff :D I picked up Lilka and let her just sleep in my arms for a while until we caught up with Neomysterion, who was not too far away and was also near a Pokemon Center! I wondered to myself where the others were and hope they can catch up soon. I made my way towards Neomysterion and informed him about my new catch and that I would need to heal up my team really quick ^^ I congratulated him on his Magikarp (I'm glad I wasn't the only one that thought that guy was a bloke just hearing about the offer). I'm sure Neomysterion will have one awesome pokemon later on with his purchase and so, I went inside really quick to get my pokemon healed up. Meet the newest member, Misha! Lilka is Level 15 Rinoa is Level 14 still Misha is Level 5 (oh god that gap!) I made sure Misha was gonna be first for a while. Quote
khaos Posted February 17, 2012 Author Posted February 17, 2012 I congratulated Eevee on her Pokemon and Neomysterion on his. "You guys are always one step ahead of me." After I healed at the Pokemon center and trained a bit, I had Sophia at level 14 and Exca(nickname of the nickname xP) at level 14. I walked confidentially into Mt Moon and immediately encountered a Geodude. Quote
flyingeevee Posted February 17, 2012 Posted February 17, 2012 I decided to enter Mt. Moon ONLY TO TRAIN! I had to make sure Misha can really do something...physical since all she could do was Sing and Defense Curl. The whole switcheroo routine took longer than expected but at least I had Lilka and Rinoa handling a lot of the easy to beat pokemon around the previous route to help Misha out. Lilka was still at level 15 Rinoa was now level 15 Misha made it to level 10 and at least learned Pound! I felt a bit more confident with my team now and I love having all three out of their pokeballs. I wondered to myself once they get bigger and would it look to have them ALL out in the open! xD Then it hit me...Rinoa was a level away from evolving and I wondered if I should even evolve Lilka...I asked her but she gave me a shrug since she didn't even know what to be. I had two normal types and a poison type and it could be a disadvantage in the near future...or maybe it's just to early to think of these things! Maybe my friends can help me decide with Lilka when we reach that high point. /Rinoa just thought to herself happily about soon evolving. Lilka just ignored Rinoa and hung around Misha while Misha was practicing her Pound on a giant rock. Quote
khaos Posted February 17, 2012 Author Posted February 17, 2012 After fighting the Geodude and exiting, I said this: "Well, Eevee, you should probably evolve Lilka soon, because as you said it's bad to have 2 normal types." I checked my bag and had a Water Stone and Fire Stone. My parents had given them to me for my 11th birthday about a month ago. "How about these, Eevee? You can have a Vaporeon or a Flareon. I think Flareon will be better in the long run, even though the next gym is water-typed." Quote
flyingeevee Posted February 17, 2012 Posted February 17, 2012 I looked at the beautiful stones that Khaos presented to me. I picked up Lilka and then asked if she wanted any of the two. /Lilka stared hard at the stones for a while. She then just lowered her ahead, not knowing really what she wants. "It's alright Lilka, there's no rush in an important decision. You can decide and I'll be more than happy to do my best for you." /Lilka lips my cheek "Thank you for your kind offer Khaos. But I'll let Lilka truly decide on what she wants to be whenever she decides." ^^ (I wish there was a Mossy Rock to get a Leafeon like the Lilka I have on SS!) I went back inside Mt. Moon to help Rinoa gain one more level. It took a while since Zubats were just ANNOYINGLY EVERYWHERE and random trainers were just sticking around inside and itching for a battle. I defeated a lass and a few rock climbers when finally Rinoa got the level she needed to evolve! Rinoa evolved into a Nidorina! Quote
Tedhaun Posted February 18, 2012 Posted February 18, 2012 [[Darn, I've been lazy recently, now back with everything!]] I enter Mt. Moon to catch up with Khaos and Eevee. I've been setting my Magikarp in a lot of battles against Zubats and Geodudes, and swapping out with Butterfree for a good amount of time. I got Magikarp to hit Level 15 after all of that time and effort, and he learned Tackle. Butterfree hit Level 17, and it wanted to learn Gust. I had to make Butterfree forget Stun Spore so it can learn Gust. Only my Butterfree was feeling low on HP and PP, so I took my team to the Pokemon Center so it can be fully charged for the road ahead and some more Pokemon fights and the quest to find a Clefairy as well. Quote
khaos Posted February 19, 2012 Author Posted February 19, 2012 I walked further into the cave and found a stair case. I went in it and... "OH MY GOSH PARAS EVERYWHERE!" I decided to catch one of them. I sent Exca out and Poison Sting'd one. After a while, I threw the pokeball. It shaked once. Twice. *bloop* The paras got out and tried to run, but Exca stopped it. I threw it again and it caught this time. "I'm gonna name you.. Hilton." (Obvious reference FTW) Quote
Tedhaun Posted February 19, 2012 Posted February 19, 2012 "Paras will make a good addition to your team, and useful for taking out Misty's Water-type Pokemon as well.", I said to Khaos. I wanted to catch a Paras for my team and a Clefairy for collective purposes. When I was looking for some, I came across a Picnicker, and she wanted to battle! The Picnicker sent out an Oddish as her first Pokemon. I sent out Magikarp so he can get some Experience, and retreated him for Cyndaquil. Oddish used Absorb, and stole a small amount of Cyndaquil's HP. It was also a Not Very Effective hit, too. Cyndaquil used Ember to attack Oddish, it was a Super Effective hit! Oddish used Sweet Scent to lower Cyndaquil's evasiveness! Cyndaquil used Ember one more time, and Oddish fainted! Cyndaquil grew up to Level 13 with some Experience for the next Level. Cyndaquil wanted to learn Quick Attack, and forgets Tackle just to learn the move. The Picnicker sends out a Bellsprout as her next Pokemon. I switch to Magikarp. I swap back Magikarp and bring in Cyndaquil. Bellsprout used Vine Whip to attack Cyndaquil, but it wasn't very effective. Cyndaquil used Ember to attack Bellsprout, and it was a Super Effective hit! Bellsprout couldn't survive the damage of Ember, and it fainted. Magikarp grew up to Level 16! Cyndaquil grew up to Level 14! Cyndaquil is evolving... and successfully evolved into Quilava! I collect Prize Money, and move on! Current party: Lv. 14 - Lv. 9 - Lv. 17 - Lv. 13 - Lv. 16 Quote
flyingeevee Posted February 22, 2012 Posted February 22, 2012 With enough thinking, Lilka finally decided what she would become...she quickly ran ahead of the team and tracked down Khaos to hopefully tell him in her Eevee voice that she would indeed become a Vaporeon. I noticed Lilka running ahead of us looking for Khaos since he was already so far ahead, as well as Neomysterion. With Lilka gone...I had to rely on Rinoa and Misha to handle the trainers that were hanging around Mt. Moon. Thankfully they're weren't as challenging until I had to fight a Maniac that had Magnemties! Misha had to Sing them to sleep and then Rinoa would Double Kick them endlessly! I really wondered to myself what other pokemon I could add to this team, but was cute and strong! I've always wanted a Mew but now THAT'S out of the question! A Dratini would be cute...but I heard those were so rare that only the Champion of Kanto even had them. "Why must the cute ones be so rare!" I exclaimed mainly to myself. I journeyed on ahead and went through a serious of ladders before stopping and noticing an odd man dressed in black. He didn't appear as a kind or even funny person....I just hope Lilka comes back soon after finding Khaos so that I can feel more assured about her well-being. Rinoa still at level 16 Misha is now level 11 Quote
khaos Posted February 22, 2012 Author Posted February 22, 2012 I heard a cry behind me. "Hey, Lilka? Why aren't you with Eevee?" ... "Oh, you decided what you would evolve into?" I got out the fire stone and water stone and held one in each hand. Lilka's paw touched the water stone and the stone seemingly melted into Lilka's paw, and with a bright light shining around Lilka, it began to form into a Vaporeon. Quote
flyingeevee Posted February 23, 2012 Posted February 23, 2012 /Lilka jumped with glee at her new beautiful aqua body and jumped to give Khaos a lick on the cheek before hurrying back to her owner. She couldn't wait to show the new her! I was looking around Mt. Moon looking for items and who would have guessed when I found a random Moon Stone on the floor! I was really excited to find one since I knew I was going to need at least two for Rinoa and Misha. Suddenly, I saw a random Vaporeon running at full speed towards us and at first, I was like what the heck? But then I realized why Lilka was looking all over for Khaos. She was REALLY a VAPOREON! I welcomed her back with open arms and congratulated her on her eeveelution until that same mysterious person I saw earlier popped out of nowhere. "Not everyday you see a wild Vaporeon in Mt. Moon of all places! How about you hand over that pokemon and nobody has to get hurt," he threatened. "She's NOT wild! She's my pokemon!" I exclaimed while noticing how my team were tensing up. "Oh, well I guess I'll just have to steal her then!" He said while starting a battle right away. He lets out a Sandshrew and quickly commands it to attack my Vaporeon. Lilka was not yet used to her new body, so she didn't know any water attacks. Instead she just does her thing and Tackles the Sandshrew. The Grunt then commands Sandshrew to use Defense Curl. I couldn't let that pokemon increase it's defense when NONE of my pokemon knew any special attacks! So I just kept telling Lilka to Tackle it over and over again! The Sandshrew went down after a while but the BEST part was that Lilka leveled up and learn how to use Water Gun! Thanks to her found move, the Grunt's Rattata and Zubat went down easily with Water Gun. "Grrrr, you won't get away with this. Team Rocket is here to catch only strong and rare pokemon!" He yelled while running away. Team Rocket...that didn't sound good at all. I knew I had to tell the guys about what happened. I hurried on ahead and noticed that even MORE Team Rocket members were patrolling around Mt. Moon. With a silent nod to my girls, we decided to take them ALL on! /Lilka ready to battle! Lilka - LV 16 Rinoa - LV 16 Misha - LV 11 Quote
Tedhaun Posted February 23, 2012 Posted February 23, 2012 [[i am very late on the Team Rocket fighting thing, sorry. :( ]] Okay then, let's do this! While spelunking Mt. Moon, I stumble across a wild Paras. I send out Magikarp to fight. Magikarp used Tackle to damage Paras a little. Paras used Scratch to attack. I switch out Magikarp for Butterfree. Paras used Scratch on Butterfree. Butterfree used Poisonpowder to poison Paras, and it worked. Paras used PoisonPowder, but it missed. Paras is suffering from poison. :( I swap out Butterfree for Magikarp. Paras used Leech Life to steal Magikarp's HP a little. Paras is still suffering from poison. :( Magikarp used Tackle to weaken Paras a little more. Paras used Poisonpowder to Poison Magikarp. Magikarp is losing a bit of health from poison. I used Antidote to recover Magikarp from poison. Paras used Scratch! Paras is losing HP due to poison. I used a Pokeball to capture Paras, and after a few wiggles, it was a success. I used an antidote to get rid of Paras' poison. I go to the Pokemon Center to recover my babies, and move on! It will take some work in the long run, but I will get this team fully balanced. :) Current party: Lv. 14 - Lv. 9 - Lv. 17 - Lv. 13 - Lv. 16 - Lv. 12 Quote
flyingeevee Posted February 23, 2012 Posted February 23, 2012 (Wow you already have your party of 6! Awesome xD) Saying that I would take them all on was crazy on my part that's fer sure! They were tougher than they looked and my team was starting to get worn out. After beating one other Grunt with Misha (switcheroo with Lilka!), I knew I had to backtrack to the Pokemon Center and stock up on items again at Pewter City. While I was going back, I noticed Neomysterion coming back from the entrance. I quickly ran closer and told my story of Team Rocket deep within Mt. Moon and how one even tried to steal my Lilka, that was now a Vaporeon. I warned Neomysterion that they're a bit stronger than the normal trainers but mainly to keep his eyes more alert in-case one of them wants to take any of his pokemon. "But yeah...something tells me they are up to something much bigger than what they let on..." I said with concern, "do be careful and if you see Khaos before I do, let him know as well!" I waved goodbye as I continued to go back and make my way towards the Pokemon Center and got my girls all healed up. Afterwards I went back to the closest Pokemart and stocked up on Antidotes and more Pokeballs (they're might be more cute pokemon later on!). I searched through my bag and looked at the Moon Stone I found earlier. I really hope I can find another one someplace before I started to evolve Rinoa and/or Misha. I just know for now that I should let my girls relax and probably buy us some lunches before we go back. /Rinoa is happy to finally take a break and get healed up! Lilka - LV 17 Rinoa - LV 16 Misha - LV 13 Quote
Tedhaun Posted February 23, 2012 Posted February 23, 2012 "A bit stronger trainers? I can take them (and those Rocket Grunts) on with my Pokemon!" As I've continued spelunking Mt. Moon, a Rocket Grunt came up and asked for a fight. The Rocket Grunt sent out a Sandshrew. I sent out Magikarp! I swapped out Magikarp for Paras! Sandshrew used Scratch, and got affected by Paras' Effect Spore. Sandshrew was sent to sleep due to the Effect Spore. Paras used Leech Life to drain Sandshrew's HP. Sandshrew was still sleeping. Paras attacked with Scratch! Sandshrew was on half its HP. Sandshrew was still asleep. Paras used Leech Life to drain Sandshrew's HP a bit more. Sandshrew woke up! Sandshrew used Poison Sting! Paras didn't get poisoned however. Paras used Poisonpowder, Sandshrew was poisoned! Sandshrew used Defense Curl to boost defense. Sandshrew suffered a little from poison! Sandshrew is on its last one-third of HP. Paras used Scratch to damage Sandshrew. Sandshrew used Sand Attack to lower Paras' accuracy! Sandshrew couldn't survive the poison, and fainted. Paras grew up to Level 13! The Rocket Grunt sends out a Zubat! I send out Magikarp! I swap out Magikarp for Pikachu. Zubat used Bite to attack! Pikachu's Static affected the Zubat with paralysis! Pikachu used Thundershock! Zubat's HP dropped down by half. Zubat couldn't move due to paralysis. Pikachu used Thundershock again! Zubat fainted after that last hit. Pikachu grew to Level 14! Magikarp grew to Level 17! I collect prize money from the Rocket Grunt and move on! While moving on, a Clefairy stops by me and wants to play... (to be continued in the next post) Current party: Lv. 14 - Lv. 9 - Lv. 17 - Lv. 14 - Lv. 17 - Lv. 13 Quote
flyingeevee Posted February 25, 2012 Posted February 25, 2012 The small break was what we needed before we headed back inside Mt. Moon. All 3 of my girls were in fighting shape and ready to just DESTROY any Zubats or Geodudes that would get in my path! We saw more Zubats than anything inside again...but at least we got a bit farther without any other trainers getting in the way and right as I was going along narrow path, I turned right and saw something shiny near a small boulder. It was ANOTHER MOON STONE! I squee'd to myself that I finally got the two main stones I needed to evolve Rinoa and Misha. However, they weren't ready for that big step it yet I stored the stone in my bag. Just a few feet ahead, there was a guy that was holding on to these weird looking objects and just cradling to himself on the floor. He looked like a Super Nerd to me. I walked slowly to him, asking if he was alright and he just screamed back, "YOU CAN'T HAVE MY FOSSILS!!!!" I was dumbfounded by the sudden reaction. He then quickly challenged me to a battle and now THAT I just couldn't refuse! His party of Grimer, Voltrob, and Koffing was nooo trouble at all thanks to Lilka's Water Gun against Grimer and Koffing and Rinoa's Double Kick against Voltrob. After his party was defeated, he dashed off back the way I originally came from. I just shrugged off the strange person and continued to help train Misha so that she wouldn't fall too far behind on levels. After battling a lot of random encounters, we continued forward until we saw a ladder! Happily we ran to the ladder and saw light! Sweet beautiful light! We all took a chance to stretch and finally realize that we're now really moving forward! We walked more east when I noticed these two karate men were training with one another. They saw me and with a happy smile greeted me and my pokemon. "Greetings trainer! Would you like us to train your pokemon on how to do a Mega Punch or even a Mega Kick?!" they asked happily while demonstrating. "Actually that's not a bad idea at all! How about you teach Mega Kick to my Rinoa here and Mega Punch to Misha?" I replied while pointing to my pokemon. ~*~ It took a while but now Rinoa can do a very cool kick that can almost smash rocks completely and now Misha has something better than Pound to defend herself. I thanked the kind men and was surprised that they didn't want any payment of any sort. Lucky me! They went back to their training spot and continued to practice on one another. Time to head on! /Misha doesn't feel as useless now with Mega Punch! Lilka - LV 17 Rinoa - LV 17 Misha - LV 15 Quote
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