flyingeevee Posted February 13, 2012 Posted February 13, 2012 Caterpies here. Weedles there. Metapods from above. Just soo many BUGS! I was battling with nothing but bugs that like to either Harden, String Shot, or Poison Sting Rinoa to the point that Lilka had to finish few of the battles with her stronger Tackle attack. The good thing was that Rinoa hit level 9 and learned Double Kick! "Finally! I so want out of this forest before I lose myself to all the bugs that come out of nowhere and hear that creepy background music!" I rush to the others after only traveling a small distance away to now have two pokemon at the same level. Quote
Tedhaun Posted February 13, 2012 Posted February 13, 2012 So Eevee asked me about what I was doing. I was already training myself against a few Bug Pokemon, willing to clash against some Bug Catchers, and a search for an elusive Pikachu in the Viridian Forest. A Bug Catcher caught me in his sight and asked me to clash against his two Caterpies, I told him "Sure thing!". :) The Bug Catcher sent out one Caterpie, and I sent out Metapod to clash against it. Metapod used Harden to increase Defense before doing anything else. The foe's Caterpie used String Shot to lower Metapod's Speed. Metapod used a Tackle to cause damage to the Caterpie, and the Caterpie used Tackle back at Metapod. Metapod used Tackle again, and the enemy Caterpie fainted. Metapod grew up to Level 8! I switch Pokemon from Metapod to Pidgey when the Bug Catcher sets out his next Caterpie. Pidgey used a Sand Attack to lower the Caterpie's accuracy. The foe's Caterpie used Tackle, but missed due to lowered visibility. Pidgey used a Tackle attack, and lowered the Caterpie to half its current health. The foe's Caterpie used String Shot, and it lowered Pidgey's speed a little. Pidgey used a Tackle attack to finish the job, and the Caterpie fainted. Pidgey grew up to Level 7! I got some money for winning the battle and recovered my Pokemon and returned to the forest after that. Quote
-Ryan Posted February 13, 2012 Posted February 13, 2012 We walked further. Next it was a metapod. Seeing as it cant move though this was an easy match. A few more bug pokemon later, Mudkip had reached level 6 and was happily chewing his rock again when a tre rustled. "Pika- CHUUUU!" and a quick pudgy yellow shape darted out of the branches and tackled Mudkip. He accidentally swallowed his rock, but being a mudkip that happens often. Enraged at losing his favourite though he tackled the mouse pokemon back and a quarrel broke out. A missed attack here and there was what gave Mudkip the advantage though. Pikachu stumbled I saw my chance. "Mudkip - Pound!" and the little pokemon ran at the Pikachu, slowed, and beat it with his little fist. Another move and Pikachu would've fainted, but no - It lost its balance and fell. As it did, a pokeball bounced off its stomach and it disappeared inside. After three shakes the pokemon was caught. I picked up the ball and held it high in my hand. "Check out what I got!" I called while Mudkip went searching for a new rock. Quote
flyingeevee Posted February 13, 2012 Posted February 13, 2012 I noticed how strong Neomysterion's Metapod was becoming and knew it would evolve before we even leave the forest. "Awesome battling there! I can see you won't be having any problems once we reach Pewter City." :P I turn my head to Ryan and smiled, "Thankfully your cute pokemon won't be needing too much level grinding against a rock trainer!" /Lilka plays around with a fainted Caterpie for some reason "Oh wow you actually FOUND and CAUGHT a PIKACHU!?!?" :O I was so jealous beyond belief that I missed out on a cute pokemon. I sighed to myself that Ryan found one so easily after I kept battling bug types to no avail on seeing anything else. Quote
-Ryan Posted February 13, 2012 Posted February 13, 2012 "Yeah. If Brock used grass types i'd never beat him." Ryan said. He let Pikachu out so Mudkip could introduce himself and teach him the art of rock chewing. Many battles later he had them both trained up to level 9 and was sitting on a blanket waiting for everyone to get moving and enjoying the relaxation after a long day of training. It was a nice day out. Quote
flyingeevee Posted February 13, 2012 Posted February 13, 2012 I trained Lilka to the point that she finally reached level 10 and sat down next to Ryan while waiting for the others. "At least we're doing really well on our first day!" :laughingsmiley: /Lilka approaches Swampthing and Pikachu and wonders if the rock tastes good Quote
-Ryan Posted February 13, 2012 Posted February 13, 2012 Mudkip and Pikachu, both chewing their own rocks respectively, turned to face Lilka. After a short discussion on rocks Mudkip crossed his arms and looked away in a selfish "no they're my rocks!" gesture. Pikachu was about to do the same, then yelled "Pika pi!" and spat his rock. It bounced off the pokemon's head and Pikachu and Mudkip both fell over laughing tears. I gigled as I apologized when I was done berating them. "Um sorry... Theyre both kinda young and immature. They'll get older through th ejounrey and... hopefully warm up tp your pokemon..." Quote
flyingeevee Posted February 13, 2012 Posted February 13, 2012 /Lilka felt the blow on the head and cowered away and hid behind me I lifted Lilka to my front and patted her softly to cheer her up. "Yeah haha! We're all a big team here and we're gonna show every other trainer out there to not mess with the...the...POKEPALS!" :laughingsmiley: /Lilka turned her head away in embarrassment of her trainer Quote
-Ryan Posted February 13, 2012 Posted February 13, 2012 "Uh... yeah" I mumbled, at a loss for words as I subconciously scooted away a little. I distracted myself by watching Pikachu and Mudkip play fight and throw rocks. Quote
flyingeevee Posted February 13, 2012 Posted February 13, 2012 I note myself to never say that name again. "Maybe we should just stop by Pewter City and stay at the Pokemon Center to rest up? I honestly do NOT wanna camp around here when night falls..." I decided to get back up and train Rinoa a few distances away to make sure her Double Kick is strong enough to handle any future rock pokemon. "Yo Ryan! Be sure to tell the others that I won't stray too far and to be ready for all of us to move out!" /Lilka glances at the other pokemon for a few seconds before following her trainer Quote
-Ryan Posted February 13, 2012 Posted February 13, 2012 "Sure, i'll tell them." Ryan said as he walked off to find his backpack muttering "Hm... Pokepals... Wonder how that'd look on a leather jacket..." Quote
Tedhaun Posted February 13, 2012 Posted February 13, 2012 I congratulate Ryan for catching a Pikachu, and tell him to train it well. :yes: I send out Metapod to go up against a few more wild Bug Pokemon, using Harden first, then using Tackle on the opponents afterward. He couldn't do it alone without the help of Cyndaquil and his Ember and Smokescreen techniques. Cyndaquil grew up to Level 10, and Metapod grew up to Level 9. I've been looking for a Pikachu, but he eludes me for now. Quote
khaos Posted February 13, 2012 Author Posted February 13, 2012 I kept training and encountered a Metapod, 2 Caterpie, 3 Weedle, and a Pikachu. There was still nothing in my interest, but Smoochum got up to level 11. A Bug Catcher approached me and asked me for a battle. I couldn't resist! He sent out a Caterpie, which easily went down with a few pounds. Then he sent out a Metapod, which I took down with an Icy Wind. As expected, he also had a Weedle and Kakuna, so they went down easily, too. "Wow, great battle! Your Smoochum is so strong," the bug catcher said. "Thanks!" Smoochum was now almost level 13 from the four Pokemon he had. Quote
Tedhaun Posted February 13, 2012 Posted February 13, 2012 I say to Khaos: "Why didn't you catch that Pikachu, fine chap? You could have caught him and raised him for the Cerulean Gym." Without knowing, a wild Pikachu rushes up to me and asks for a challenge. I send out Cyndaquil, and Cyndaquil used Ember to inflict damage to the Pikachu. The wild Pikachu electrifies its cheeks and used a Thundershock on Cyndaquil. After that, Cyndaquil used Tackle to lower Pikachu's remaining HP to a sliver. Pikachu used Growl to lower Cyndaquil's Attack. The Pikachu was felling a bit weary, so I threw one out of three remaining Pokeballs at the Pikachu. After a while of moving around, the capture was deemed successful. I rush back to the Pokemon Center to recover Pikachu and the others after some weary fighting, and get back to what I was doing. Quote
khaos Posted February 13, 2012 Author Posted February 13, 2012 "Nah, Pikachu's not my type of Pokemon. You guys wait here. I'm gonna go see if there's anything else, maybe I can get a Male Nidoran." I go to the area SW of the forest and into the grass. After searching, I manage to find one. I brought out my Pokedex and checked its data. It was level 4, and knew poison sting and leer. "Go, Smoochum!" Smoochum pounded it. It just barely survived that harsh pound Sophia gave it, so I threw a poke ball. It shook once. Twice. Thrice. Caught! I ran back to where Eevee and the others were."Hey guys, look, I caught a Nidoran(Male)! I named it Excalibur. Quote
flyingeevee Posted February 13, 2012 Posted February 13, 2012 After fighting just enough multiple Weedles, Caterpies, Metapods, and a random Kakuna (no Pikachu again argh!), Rinoa is now a level above Lilka! I could tell Lilka didn't like being the weakest one on the team now but I reassured her that she'll get to battle tons more after the gym since she doesn't have any moves that could even take rock types. I decided to travel back to where I was originally sitting on the blanket and finally just laid my whole body on it. "Phew, training off weak buggies sure does take a lot out of you!" :laughingsmiley: /Lilka and now the not-in-pokeball Rinoa noted that all I did was shout commands but they too relaxed on the blanket next to me. I glanced up from my spot and instantly got up to give Khaos a high-five! "Woohoo you finally have another companion! Plus it's another Nidoran!" :D /Rinoa also gave a happy smile Quote
khaos Posted February 13, 2012 Author Posted February 13, 2012 I high fived Eevee back. "Thanks! Maybe Rinoa and Excalibur could become friends!" I brought out Excalibur, freshly healed, and introduced him to Rinoa. "Hey, Eevee, maybe once I get my Nidoran up to your Nidoran's level, they could have a 1-on-1 battle! Quote
Tedhaun Posted February 14, 2012 Posted February 14, 2012 When I delved further into the Viridian Forest, I came across two Bug Catchers that wanted to battle me at the same time. The first Bug Catcher sends out a Caterpie, and the second one sent out a Weedle. I send out my Metapod, and my Cyndaquil to fight against them. My Metapod used Harden to raise its defense, and Cyndaquil used Ember on Weedle. The poor Weedle couldn't stand the heat of Cyndaquil's Ember, so it fainted due to a Super Effective hit. The enemy Caterpie used Tackle on Metapod, but the damage was lowered due to Metapod's increased defense. The second Bug Catcher sent out a Kakuna (trained) to take place of the fainted Weedle. Cyndaquil used Ember to inflict damage on Kakuna, and its energy dropped down to 1/4th of its remaining health. Metapod used Tackle on Caterpie, and 1/4th of Caterpie's HP was lost due to Metapod's attack. Kakuna used Harden to boost its defense, and the Caterpie used String Shot to lower Metapod and Cyndaquil's speed. Cyndaquil used Ember to finish off Kakuna, and it fainted. Metapod used Tackle on Caterpie, and Caterpie was down to only 1/3rd of its HP. Caterpie used Tackle to damage Cyndaquil a little. Cyndaquil used Tackle to finish off Caterpie, and it fainted. Metapod used Harden to increase its defense. The first Bug Catcher sends out a Metapod. Cyndaquil used Ember to damage Metapod down to 1/4th of its HP. The enemy Metapod used Tackle to damage my Metapod. My Metapod used Tackle back at the enemy's Metapod, and its only at 1/8th of its current HP. Cyndaquil used Tackle to finish off the enemy Metapod, and it fainted. Cyndaquil was 3/4th of the way to Level 11, and Metapod struck Level 10! Metapod was evolving, and fully evolved into Butterfree! Butterfree learned Confusion upon evolution. Quote
khaos Posted February 14, 2012 Author Posted February 14, 2012 "Nice job on the Bug Catchers, Neomysterion!" I said as we walked further in the forest. I had Excalibur up front to train on some wild Pokemon. As I walked into the grass, a Weedle came up to me. I ran away from it because Poison Sting didn't affect it. I saw a Caterpie, which I Poison Sting'd and it fell. A saw a Metapod which I Poison Sting'd as well. After a few more of those, Excalibur was almost at level 7. Then I saw a Pikachu. "Hey, Neomysterion, wanna catch?" Quote
Tedhaun Posted February 14, 2012 Posted February 14, 2012 Doing it like a real Pokemon game here... To Khaos: "Actually, I did catch a Pikachu earlier while you were busy. I'll raise him when I exit the Viridian Forest. Thanks for the offer though." (shows Khaos the Pikachu that rushed up to me for a battle last night) My Pikachu says hello to Khaos in its own language. After collecting a few dropped items (an Antidote, a Pokeball, and a Potion to be exact) on the ground, I stow them in my bag for later use. Before heading out of the Viridian Forest, one last Bug Catcher asked me for a battle. I accepted as usual. The Bug Catcher sends out a Weedle for his Pokemon. I send out my Butterfree since he needed some more experience. Butterfree used Confusion, and weakened the enemy Weedle to a sliver. The foe's Weedle used Poison Sting to damage Butterfree and he got poisoned. Butterfree was hurt by poison, and finishes off the Weedle with a Tackle attack. Butterfree is 1/4th of the way to Level 11 after beating the Weedle. After being given prize money, I cured my Butterfree of Poison with the Antidote I picked up earlier so he wouldn't lose HP before we stop by the Pewter City Pokemon Center. While waiting for Khaos and Eevee to catch up, I'll be training my Pikachu in the grass in the route south of Pewter City. Quote
-Ryan Posted February 14, 2012 Posted February 14, 2012 I followed Neomysterion to the edge of the forest. Mudkipz trotted nehind me and Pikachu was returned to his ball. "Hey you! We fight! Caterpie, use string shot!" I turned to see a Caterpie. Behind him was a ridiculous looking... probably 12 year old. He wore shorts, a sleevless shirt, a hat almost as big as him, and was commandingly waving a giant bug-net that was so big he had to hold it with two hands. Then the string shot whirled by me and I heard Mudkipz grunt. "Ugh... Here we go..." I said while the odd kid screamed something else. "Mudkip, dodge and tackle." A minute later a nother string shot whizzed by. Mudkip leapt over it and sprinted at Caterpie. From two feet away he leaped and took the bug down hard. "Caterpie! Tackle!" "Pound!" Mudkip rolled away only to be crashed into by the Caterpie. Before it got away though it took a hard punch to its side. As it limped away Mudkip followed up with tackle and the bug-type fainted. Mudkip went to level 10. The kid looked like he was gonna cry as he returned Caterpie to its ball. Then his expression changed to one of joy as he remembered he hadn't lost yet and victoriously released a Scyther. Mudkip, who was sitting, sat up and got ready to pounce. "Quick attack." Before either of them knew what happened Mudkip was flying backwards, the large bug-type standing where he was a second ago. Mudkip crashed into the ground and grunted. His eyes stayed shut. I pulled out his pokeball and returned him. The other trainer did a small odd dance of joy then stopped as I pulled out my other pokeball. "Pikachu, quick attack." And before Pikachu hit the ground it zoomed off and slammed into Scyther. Scyther stumbled but kept his balance as Pikachu leaped backwards. They stood facing eachother ready to strike again. "Quick attack!" "Pikachu, spark." The scyther whirled in and slammed into pikachu. As he did though he lit up yellow as volts of electricty shot through him. Pikachu rolled away but was on his feet again immeditaley. Scyther staggered but stayed up the whole time. A few attacks later both pokemon looked weary and ready to collapse. Then at the same moment we both shouted "quick attack!" and the two pokemon vanished. They appeared inbetween where they were standing and slammed into eachother, both flying backwards from impact. After a long moment both pokemon began to rise. At this point it was down to who wanted it more. It became clear who wanted it more as Pikachu stood up but the bug type collapsed. Pikachu also went up to level 10. This time the other trainer had no backup pokemon. I returned Pikachu after the disapointed kid turned over some money for losing the battle then was on my way to find Neomysterion. Quote
Tedhaun Posted February 14, 2012 Posted February 14, 2012 I said to Ryan: "Sir Ryan, so you have found me. I would never expect to see a Bug Catcher send out a Scyther early on in the adventure, especially on the way to Pewter City." After I let my Pikachu fight a flock of wild Pidgeys, I got him to grow to Level 8 (at least). I decided to give my Pokemon team a recovery at the Pewter City Pokemon Center, and stock up on a few Potions for the Pewter Gym and some Pokeballs for future use. "Brock may not be easy," I said to myself in an optimistic manner, "but I can still give my best effort one way or another!". :) Quote
khaos Posted February 15, 2012 Author Posted February 15, 2012 "WE'RE IN PEWTER CITY!!!" I ran to the Pokemon Center first and healed up my Pokemon. Then, I ran to the forest again to train Excalibur. After an hour of training, and a fight with a Bug Catcher, Excalibur was level 12 and had learned Double Kick. When going back to the Pokemon Center, I was asked where I was. [TEAM: SMOOCHUM, 12. NIDORAN(M), 12] Quote
flyingeevee Posted February 15, 2012 Posted February 15, 2012 I was unaware after congratulating Khaos and his Nidoran that even MORE bug catchers would go up to my face just by moving a few steps, shoving their slimy Weedles near my face to the point Lilka scared a kid off with her growl. I knew my friends were getting way ahead of me and I didn't want to embarrass myself by possibly LOSING to the first gym leader! So I went on ahead to the Pokemon Center to heal up really quick, stock up on 5 potions, 3 antidotes, and 5 more pokeballs. Of course, even more bratty kids dared to challenge my team of GIRL POWER before I even got to the freakin' city! Rinoa was a bug killing machine just scratching Weedles and Caterpies left and right so it wasn't any trouble, just time consuming. Lilka (Eevee) was still at level 11 (I promised her she'll get to fight more after the gym) Rinoa (Nidoran) was now at level 13, learning Poison Sting and pumped up for the gym whenever it's our turn! (I'm going by the Black/White Pokedex for movesets) I couldn't help but look at my party of two with deep admiration :laughingsmiley: I STILL couldn't find myself a cute Pikachu (they just hate me!) so I guess whenever a different cute pokemon comes along, it's SO JOINING US! I eventually fell asleep on the sofa next to a singing Jigglypuff in the Pokemon Center, waiting for the others to heal up as well so that we can take on this "Brock" whenever. /Lilka really dislikes that the newest member is stronger than her already! Plus the fact that Rinoa is biting her tail randomly. Quote
Tedhaun Posted February 15, 2012 Posted February 15, 2012 I talk to my Pokemon team to see if they're ready for their first Gym Challenge. Cyndaquil was nervous, and my Pikachu and Pidgey felt the same. Butterfree had some courage in him and wants to show off his new skills at the Pewter City Gym. I step into the Pewter City Gym prepared with Potions in case my Pokemon get low HP, and a Camper comes in to greet me with a Pokemon battle. The Camper sends out a Diglett as his first Pokemon, and I send out my Butterfree. Butterfree starts off with Confusion, and damages the Diglett halfway. Diglett used Scratch to damage Butterfree a little, and Butterfree is not ready to show any letup. Butterfree attacks with another Confusion, and the Diglett fainted. I didn't change my Pokemon when the Camper sent out his Sandshrew. Butterfree gladly used Harden (from its past evolution) to increase his defense. Sandshrew used Defense Curl to increase its defense, too. Butterfree fights back with Confusion, and Sandshrew got confused after the hit. Sandshrew is confused, but lands a Scratch on Butterfree, though the damage was toned down due to Harden. Butterfree sends out another Confusion to leave Sandshrew at a sliver of HP. Sandshrew is still confused, and hits itself in its confusion, and fainted. Butterfree grew up to Level 12, and wants to learn PoisonPowder, Stun Spore, and Sleep Powder. I chose Tackle to be replaced by PoisonPowder. String Shot to be replaced by Stun Spore. ...and I chose Harden to be replaced by Sleep Powder. I receive prize money after winning, and I heal Butterfree's HP with a Potion before the match against Brock. Quote
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