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Lilka took a fair amount of damage but still going strong.


"Alright Lilka, show them another Tackle attack!"

Lilka rushes with all her might to deal a good amount of damage to Smoochum!


"The next turn might determine this battle" :O

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Both of the pokemon were at their limit, with low health.


"My Smoochum was the higher level of your Pokemon, but it was 2 vs 1. Pound, NOW!!"


Smoochum ran at Lilka and Lilka ran at Smoochum. They both collided and fell back.


It was a tie!


I quickly rush to Lilka and pick her up.


"My poor Lilka! You fought very well, I'm so proud of you" :3


/Lilka licks my chin weakly


"Guess we'll have to have a future rematch and we'll give it our all next time!" :laughingsmiley:





I made my way to the Pokemon Center and decided to dedicate more battles at the same route to level up Rinoa and Eevee before following Neomysterion.


Lilka is now at level 9!

Rinoa is now at level 7!


I ran towards Sophia. She smiled weakly.

"Good job, Sophia. You did good."


I ran to the Pokemon Center along with Eevee and got our Pokemon healed up. Smoochum was level 9, halfway to level 10.


I congratulate Khaos and Eevee for a battle well done.

I also spend some time clashing against wild Pokemon to raise my three Pokemon.


Caterpie grew up to Level 6, and Pidgey grew up to Level 5. Cyndaquil was halfway to Level 9 himself.


I wait for Khaos to catch up with me and Eevee, and we will soon prepare ourselves to the Viridian Forest.


"Wow, your team is really coming along Neomysterion!"


I look at the forest that we will soon be traveling to, noting the darkness even before entering.


"Man...not a big fan of dark forests..." :(


I hold on to Lilka a bit too hard for her to even notice my tension.


"Challenge Accepted," I said to Neomysterion and Eevee. I had Sophia out and into a fighting position as she slowly walked into the forest with me.


"Come on, guys, it's not that bad. In fact, I should be the most scared considering I'm younger than the two of you."


I stepped into the forest and immediately ran into a wild Weedle. After a few pounds, It fainted. I ran into a Metapod after that.

"Use pound!" It took a while since the Metapod kept using harden. But once it was done, Smoochum was level 10, and it knew Icy Wind!


I told Khaos and Eevee that they should have nothing to fear, because Caterpie and Weedle are just standard Bug-type Pokemon.

I also congratulate Khaos' Smoochum for learning Icy WInd since it will become useful for the next city.

I sent out my Cyndaquil when a wild Weedle appeared. Cyndaquil used Ember to inflict damage on the Weedle, and the Weedle was close to fainting. Weedle did manage to inject a Poison Sting, but it just did small damage to Cyndaquil. Cyndaquil did a Tackle to make Weedle faint, and the Weedle did faint.


Cyndaquil grew up to Level 9!


Ryan stumbled out the door and clumsily shut it behind him. "Wait for me!" he yelled as he crammed his black jacket over his head. His arm was still tangled inside and his backpack was slung awkwardly over his shoulder as he ran to catch up. Mudkipz ran after him chewing on his favourite rock and occasionally letting out a muffled "Mudmud- Mudkip!"


Ryan was new to town as well sa new to being a trainer. Him and Mudkip had met just two nights ago. He hadnt been deemed worthy of trainer status by the proffesor until then due to his absentmindedness, laziness, headstrongness, ect... Not to mention tendency to make up words by adding "ness" to the end of everything.


And now he had woken up late on his first day out to explore. After hastily cramming down a poptart though he somehow managed to get dressed and wake up his equally lazy Mudkip before the rest got too far.



He slowed to a standstill "Woo! glad I caught up! Btw, I look totally amazing in this new jacket, Amiright?" Mudkip crashed into his legs two seconds later, not realizing they'd stopped.

"Errrr... Kipzzzz..."

"Watch where you're going, swampthi-" He realized there was a battle, shut up, and rubbed the backof his head awkwardly as he stepped back a few paces.


I kept trying to reassure myself that nothing is gonna jump at me in the dark. Of course there were bug pokemon that like to creep up like Weedles and Caterpies!


Rinoa takes a while to finish them off but the experience was well worth it!


"I might just try train here more..."


A Bug Catcher then approaches me and grins, "Hey there wanna battle!?"


I grinned back at the challenge and send out Rinoa to handle the job.

The Bug Catcher first sends out a Weedle!

Rinoa scratches it a few times before it taken down easily.

Bug Catcher sends out a Caterpie!

I tell Rinoa to just spam Scratch since that's her only good offense move against it.


I successfully him and got a few pokedollars for future shopping needs :D


"Hooray! I'm going to keep training up Rinoa to be evenly leveled with Lilka so she can at least learn Double Kick!"


I hear about Khaos' accomplishment and clapped, "Wow that's so awesome of your Sophia!" ^0^





I see Ryan rushing in like a madman and let out a sigh.


"I see you finally woke up!"


I walked back to where Eevee was.

I looked, and from afar, I could see someone running towards our direction.

I also saw a Mudkip running with him.


"Hey, is that Ryan!?" I asked Eevee.

I ran toward him and stopped in front of him.

"Ryan! What took you so long?"


Eevee called back to me. "Hey, we better get going, Ryan."


"Sorry... But that internet thing is pretty addicting, y'know? Funny pictures of espeons, that TDN thing, bookface... I was up til 1am and then swampthing kept me up the rest of the night with god knows what that deranged Mudkip dreams about." He said casting a sideways glance at the nightmare stricken pokemon chewing a rock.

"So... Where we headed?" He asked,eager to change the subject.


"Yeah, I used all those for a long time yesterday too."

"Were headed to Viridian Forest to go to Pewter. What level is your Mudkip?"


"Were both too lazy to train. We went out yesterday for an hour but that only got him to level three." Ryan said.


When Luigi and PBJ realized how much they missed, they dashed to Viridian city, and entered Viridian Forest immediately.


[Again,first person]


I saw PBJ dash in front of me.


"Only Level Three? Wow. Want me to help you train?"


"Ryan! Where have you been?" I said to Ryan. "You've missed out on a great deal of fun with me, Khaos, and Eevee."

I said this to Ryan before continuing: "You need to train you your Mudkip a bit more if you want to prepare for the long road that's ahead of us!"


A wild Caterpie appears, and I send out my Caterpie to clash against the enemy one.

My Caterpie used a Tackle to start things off.

The wild Caterpie sprays a String Shot to lower the speed of my Caterpie.

My Caterpie tackles continuously until the enemy Caterpie fainted.


Caterpie grew up to Level 7, and evolved into a Metapod, and learned Harden upon evolving.


I uncrossed my arms and just laughed, "I warned you to not overdue the computer since we were going to all go together!"


/Lilka plays around with the tall grass


"ANYWAYS we should really get serious before we make it to Pewter City! I heard the gym leader there is no pushover so we better not embarrass ourselves."


I see PBJ pass the four of us and yell at him to run back a few steps. "HEYYYYY WE'RE RIGHT BACK HERE!"


"Yeah, sure. Thanks, Khaos." I said.

"Mudkipz! Rock." And Mudkipz walked over, dropped the rock reproachfully, then stomped back and turned his back to me.

"Oh don't pout." I said. "You can have it back right after you hit level five. Sound like a deal?" I picked up the rock with a peice of cloth and placed it in the side pocket of my backpack.

Mudkip seemed to consider the offer, then after a long glare at me gave up and walked over smiling and wagging his small tail.

"Okay Khaos, so whats your plan?" I asked, facing Khaos while petting Mudkip's head and standing on one knee.


"PBJ!!" I yelled at him.

"Yeah, Brock. He uses rock types. He has a Geodude and an Onix. Who'll fight him first once we get there?" I said to Eevee.


"So, Ryan, We'll go to either the west of Viridian City, or in Viridian Forest. Which do you prefer? I think we should go to the west because the pokemon there are weaker. Also, I have some potions in case your Mudkip gets hurt, we don't have to go all the way to the Pokemon Center."


I said this to PBJ: "PBJ! You're running a bit late! What kept you, laddie?"

Afterwards, I sent out my Pidgey to clash against a wild Metapod.

Pidgey used a Tackle to inflict damage on the enemy Metapod.

The only thing that the Metapod knew was Harden, since it is a wild one and not a trained one. It used Harden to boost its Defense a little.

Pidgey got tuckered out after using Tackle several times, so I sent out Cyndaquil to finish the job.

Cyndaquil used Ember on the Defense-heavy Metapod, and it fainted.


Pidgey grew up to Level 6, and Cyndaquil is 1/4th through to getting to Level 10.


I considered who would battle first and I shook my head, "Not me of course, I have a Nidoran that should learn Double Kick if I have any hope of winning! How about you or Neomysterion since I can see Ryan and I training in this crazy forest."


I make my way more north from all the guys and got Rinoa to battle against a few easy bugs until she reached level 8.


"One more level and then we can get some more diverse moves on this team!"


/Lilka twitched her eye at the small insult, but ignored it while playing with a few branches.


"Oh don't be like that Lilka. We need to make this small team awesome and show the guys how girls play!" >:3


/Lilka sighed


I considered it for a second. "Lets push on through the forest. I'm sure I can get swampthing up to level 10 by then." I said. Mudkip's eyes narrowed as they always do at being called Swampthing, then he returned to his cheerful mood as he remembered I was still petting him.


"Looks like I'll go first." I said to Eevee.


"Ok, Ryan. When We get out, let's battle, ok?"


"Okay." I walked with Khaos, Mudkip following closely behind.

We took a few steps farther out when the bushes rattled. An undersized pidgey popped out and pecked Mudkip sharply. It whimpered, and backed away. But at my stern command it tackled the bird twice, suffering another peck, and then the pidgey fainted. Mudkip increased to level 4.

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