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Neomysterion encounters a wild Rattata out in the open.


Neomysterion: (throws Pokeball to send out his Pokemon) "Go, Cyndaquil!"

Cyndaquil used SmokeScreen to lower the Rattata's accuracy stat, and the Rattata had a bit of sight trouble when it came to attacking Cyndaquil.

The Rattata used Tackle, and inflicted a bit of damage on Cyndaquil.

Cyndaquil used Ember to cause damage on the Rattata, and it almost fainted.

The wild Rattata used Tail Whip to lower Cyndaquil's defense.

...and Cyndaquil used Ember one more time, and the wild Rattata fainted.

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/lets her Lilka out of the pokeball to follow along and continues walking through the tall grass without any encounters as of now...but did meet a nice person giving free Potion samples :D


Hey guys! This promoter is promoting the promotion of the shop in the next city over! ^^ 1 free Potion if you greet him!




Lilka likes free things!


[Love the picture :P]


"Neomysterion, Eevee, you're here! Hey, have you guys seen Ryan? Should we just go on without him if he's not here?"


I listened to Eevee as she told us about the promotion thing.


"Free potion?" I ran as fast as I could to the mart, facing a few Pidgey and Rattata along the way. By the time I was at Viridian City, Smoochum was at level 7 and almost fainted. I looked to the side and saw a big sign near the Pokemart, but decided to go the the Pokemon Center first.


"HEY GUYS, HURRY UP!" I yelled.


Hmm..good point...but we so told him to be up and ready at early noon so that we could go together!


/holds up Lilka from the ground and carries her


I've been ready for this adventure since we got our first pokemon :(


(to Khaos): You know I'm here, but I have a feeling that Ryan overslept and missed out on the big start of the adventure.

(gets back to Pallet Town to knock on Ryan's house door and say "Ryan? Are you home buddy? You're missing out on the excitement!")

(Neomysterion's Cyndaquil is sad and concerned that Ryan and his Mudkip are missing out)


/starts to get concern as well and noticed that she didn't have any encounters yet! So she backtracks near home to find something.


Alright Lilka, let's go back in that grass and faint something!


/continues walking through grass until finally encountering a Wild Rattata! The low leveled Rattata instantly faints after two Tackles from Lilka


Wow...that was weak...hey guys I'm going to just level up Lilka here to 6 so you can go on a LITTLE ahead of me :P




Lilka is ready to kill faint things!


Before Neomysterion and his Cyndaquil companion head off to the open again, Neomysterion leaves a note to Ryan through his front door, it reads:


"Dear Ryan,

If you need to know where we are, we'll be heading towards Viridian City and embarking on our new adventure. Don't miss out on all the fun!



After that, Neomysterion gets the Potion out of his PC after forgetting the first time, and heads off to catch up with his allies.


Neomysterion has caught up with Khaos and Eevee.

Neomysterion comes up against a wild Pidgey.

Neomysterion sends out Cyndaquil!

(Cyndaquil is very excited to come out and fight)

Cyndaquil used Ember to weaken Pidgey, but it didn't faint.

The wild Pidgey used Tackle, and it caused a bit of damage on Cyndaquil.

Cyndaquil used Ember one more time, and Pidgey was left with low health.

The wild Pidgey used Sand-Attack, and lowered Cyndaquil's accuarcy by a notch.

Neomysterion used one out of five starting Pokeballs at the Pidgey.

(the Pokeball wobbles for a moment, and the capture was a success)

(Neomysterion chooses not to nickname his new Pidgey companion)


[Do it in first person please]


I walked back toward where Eevee and Neomysterion were, battling a Rattata along the way.

"Hey, so did you guys find Ryan?"

Neomysterion told me about the note he left.


"Oh. Okay. So are we going without him, then?"


I open up my map and looked for our next destination.


"I guess we can turn left from the Pokemon Center to explore for more pokemon or head on up to the Viridian Forest!"


/Lilka lifts up her paw and points left


"Well she thinks we should at least catch one pokemon for our team so I'll go check it out really quick before we head to the forest if anyone else wants to join!" :D


I forgot to call myself I for this. (apologizes)


(to Khaos): I couldn't find our friend Ryan, he must have overslept for an extended amount of time or he may be missing. I'd give him a few more hours to get ready, or we'll have to leave without him. :(


My two Pokemon were exhausted, and I rush them to the closest Pokemon Center over at Viridian City. Afterwards, I catch up with Khaos and Eevee to see what's going on.


"A few hours? Okay then. I'm gonna go with Eevee to see if there are new Pokemon I can use on my team."


I walked to the grass left of Viridian and ran away from a Spearow I encountered. I also found a few Nidoran and a Pidgey. I didn't see anything I wanted, but Smoochum was almost level 9.

I walked a bit more to the left, and there was the Pokemon League. I didn't bother going inside because I didn't have badges. Suddenly, I had an idea.


"Hey, Eevee, wanna battle?"


I decided to head to the small route on the left side of town with Khaos for a bit more training fighting Spearows until suddenly a Wild Nidoran(Female) wants to battle!


"Oh goodness I must catch this! Go Lilka!"


Lilka jumps from my arms and pumps up.

Lilka used Tackle, taking over half of Nidoran's health!

I throw a normal pokeball.

The pokeball shakes a few times until it finally stopped.


"OMG I caught my first pokemon!" :laughingsmiley:



Rinoa joined the party!



/Lilka jumps up with joy


Khaos then asked me for a 1-on-1 battle and I happily agree. "Alright but don't think we'll go easy on you" :P


"Wow, Eevee, congratulations! I'm the only one that doesn't have a second Pokemon yet. Maybe something will catch my interest later!"

"Now, for that battle. It should give you a chance to try out Rinoa!"


"Haha, very true! She's level 3 though so I hope she can do decently!"


/Lilka stands back to see how Rinoa will do and cheers on


"Go Rinoa!"


I send out Rinoa and start things off with a Scratch.


While Eevee goes to the Route west of Viridian City, I head upward where I find a wild Caterpie.

I send out Pidgey because Cyndaquil may accidentally cause the Caterpie to faint. :(

Pidgey used Sand-Attack to lower Caterpie's accuracy.

Caterpie used Tackle, but it missed.

Pidgey attacks with Tackle, and it lowered Caterpie's health to a reasonable amount.

Caterpie used String Shot to lower Pidgey's Speed.

I throw one out of four Pokeballs at the Caterpie.

The Pokeball shakes several times, and the capture was a success!


I take the poor Caterpie to the Pokemon Center so he can be recovered for the road to come.


"Smoochum, dodge!"


Smoochum jumped up but still got hit.


"Use pound!"


In the distance, I see Neomysterion walking.


Rinoa took a critical hit and fainted!


"Oh no, your starter is too strong for little Rinoa" :sad01_anim:


I return her to her pokeball and then call for Lilka on my side to battle next.


Lilka uses Sand Attack to start things off!


"Quick, spam SAND ATTACK!"


"Smoochum, quick, DUCK!!"


Sophia (Smoochum's nickname) covered her eyes and fell on purpose.


"Open your eyes and Pound!"


I stop by and greet Khaos, and ask him how things are going on with the journey.

Before I see how things are going with Khaos' battle with Eevee, I decide to send out Caterpie to clash against a wild Nidoran (Male).

Caterpie used String Shot to lower Nidoran (Male)'s speed!

Nidoran (Male) used Leer to lower Caterpie's defense.

Caterpie used Tackle to weaken Nidoran (Male).

Nidoran (Male) used Tackle to lower Caterpie's health midway.

I called Caterpie back in his Pokeball, and sent out Cyndaquil instead.

Nidoran (Male) used Leer (once targeted for Caterpie) to Cyndaquil to lower its defense.

Cyndaquil used Ember, and the Nidoran (Male) fainted.


Caterpie grew up to Level 4, and Cyndaquil grew up to Level 8 after all of that fighting.


Smoochum fell on the ground with Lilka on top.


"Sophia, kick her back and use pound!"


She put up her feet, kicking Lilka, then jumped up and pounded her.


I replied back to Khaos, and said "No problem! I'm doing my best to make a good team for the long road to come." :yes:

I reply to Eevee, and I said "Not at the moment, but thanks anyway though. I'm training my newly-caught Pokemon for the Pokemon Gyms and the road of things to come."


Before I return to Viridian City, a wild Spearow swooped by!

I send out Caterpie first, but retreat him and sends out Cyndaquil instead.

The wild Spearow used Peck to damage Cyndaquil a little bit. I'm glad that I swapped out Caterpie for Cyndaquil this time around.

Cyndaquil attacks with an Ember, and damages Spearow down to 1/4th of it's remaining health.

The Spearow used Leer to lower Cyndaquil's defense.

Cyndaquil used Ember again, and the wild Spearow fainted.


Caterpie got up to Level 5. I go back to recover my Pokemon at the Pokemon Center, and go back to the road above Viridian City.

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