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Longtime lurker, first time poster!


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Hi everyone! I've been using TDN for a while, and decided it was about time I joined up and maybe joined in some of the conversations I've enjoyed reading for so long. ^_^


I actually took a break from Neopets for quite some time, but when I went back to it TDN was right there next to it in my bookmarks. I sometimes can't believe I've been a member there for over 11 years... doesn't feel that long! I'm still getting used to some changes, but TDN has been a big help refreshing my memory and getting me up to speed.


Nowadays I play Neopets on my own, but I still remember the days when I'd be able to talk to my friends about it. They've all moved on, but every so often I can't help but go back. I think, even though I will mostly keep to myself, I will enjoy being able to talk to other people here about a game I have many fond memories of.


Thanks for reading and maybe you'll see me around!

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Welcome CrazyBiscuit! You can call me Neomysterion, and I've been on Neopets for almost a decade myself.

If you need any help on anything Neopets or life-related, just ask me or another staff member.

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Hey Crazybiscuit! (love that btw XD) I'm Saxen, nice to meet you!


I remember being able to talk to my RL friends about Neopets too like ten years ago :( TDNF is an awesome community, we looooove the Neo :D I'm sure you'll have lots of fab convos here!


Welcome to the forums ^_^

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Thanks Saxon and Sweetdang! It's very nice to meet you all!


About my Uni, Sweetdang: I was really lucky last week and got a FFQ (before the faerie daily quests started). I was reading on here before I joined about how some people have been around for years and don't think they'll ever see her, but they shouldn't give up hope as nothing very excited had ever happened to me up to that point! Things like this always happen when you least expect them to. :)


[Edit] Since this is my joining thread, I guess it would be appropriate for me to amend this to say today is my birthday. I'm just spending some relaxing time reading and posting here, and playing a few games on Neopets, while I enjoy my day. I know I could have posted about it in the Yay or Nay, or Your Life, sub-forums but I don't want to draw too much attention as I'm such a new member. A little here doesn't hurt though as I don't think it will get as many views. Hope that makes sense...

Edited by CrazyBiscuit
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Welcome Crazy Biscuit! You can call me Trig :) I sympathize with the whole friends things, up until about a month ago I was the only one that played. Now I have a few friends who were closet neo-addicts, but it's still not the same. Enjoy the forums and I'm sure we're glad you've stopped lurking!

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Since this is my joining thread, I guess it would be appropriate for me to amend this to say today is my birthday. I'm just spending some relaxing time reading and posting here, and playing a few games on Neopets, while I enjoy my day. I know I could have posted about it in the Yay or Nay, or Your Life, sub-forums but I don't want to draw too much attention as I'm such a new member. A little here doesn't hurt though as I don't think it will get as many views. Hope that makes sense...

With that in mind, I hope you have an absolutely fantabulousistastc time!


Happy birthday and use up all your REs for the day! :)

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HAPPY BIRTHDAY :D Annnnnd welcome to TDNforums. It's super chill here and everyone's reeaal nice.


Oh gosh I know what you mean about IRL mates. See I was lucky, a girl in my physics class went back on Neo recently too so I was able to text someone when I got my FFQ and we just went crazy together.


I'm pretty sure my other 'cool' party-crew friends who I go out some weekends with might temporarily disown me if they found out I was still on neo hahahah.


Nice to meet you anyway, I'm from the UK too :D

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Very sweet of you for the birthday wishes Sweetdang and lozzerrr!


To Trig and lozzerrr: I remember when I first started playing Neopets it was an absolute craze at my school and kids who liked using the computers would often be playing it there until the IT department finally got wise and blocked it! If some students hadn't started playing while they were meant to be working, rather than on free periods like me and my friends did, we might have got away with going on it for longer. After that I convinced friends I'd made online to join up and they did stick with it for a few years, but they all moved on eventually and never played again. Now it seems, particularly for certain age groups, very uncool to play a game like Neopets. At one point it bothered me that others would think I was playing something for kids, but I joined as a kid and still take enjoyment so I see no reason to stop. I still won't be telling some of my friends because they have never understood the point of sites like that or used to play it themselves and "grew out of it", but now at least I can see that if anyone judges me it is saying more about them than it ever will about me. I am glad to have here to be able to openly discuss my Neopet (and unrelated) thoughts though.


Btw, Sweetdang, those celebratory hamsters are so hypnotic, lol. The message in your signature posted after them is so right too, I just wish everyone in the world could see it!

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*failed at fully reading your first post* HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! Sweetdang mentioned REs? Do you get like...special REs since it's your birthday? *is confused*

Most people I know have grown out of neo, luckily I have just about the nerdiest group of friends around, so they just laugh and shake their head when I talk about neo- but they don't judge me on it :P Plus I got my boyfriend back into playing neo; I'd like to see him try and explain that to his friends! :P

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*failed at fully reading your first post* HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! Sweetdang mentioned REs? Do you get like...special REs since it's your birthday? *is confused*


Just to answer your question, RayRay: There's no exclusive REs when your birthday comes, but the likelihood of getting REs do increase on your birthday (and Neopets' Birthday (November 15th)) because of the Birthday site theme.

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