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Hey there! I'm Kichu! I'm 19, live at home with my momma, and get paid to babysit. Most of my free time is spent on the computer because I just have nothing better to do. I've been using TDN for Dailies for well over a year now, and I thought I'd come introduce myself. :3


I've been playing Neopets off and on for at least 10 years, but I just started seriously playing last year. I use to just play games as a little kid when I was bored, and never had more than 200k. I don't even know how many accounts I've made over the years because I was to lazy to try and find my password so I'd just make a new one. But slowly my 200k developed into 1mil and 2 lab maps! 8D I must say, I am quite proud of myself. Even though that's not anything compared to what most people have, It's still the most I've ever gotten!


I'm not into roleplaying, and I've kinda gotten bored with their games so I'm into collecting pets now. Although it's kind of hard to do because I want half of the pets on the site so my pet goal changes daily. :c I also love collecting avies, who doesn't?! /Most/ of the avies I have left to get are either gaming, or reeeaaally expensive. And like I said, I only got 1mil at the moment. Not gunna get me too far.


Ohoh, and I have to tell everyone about my precious baby girl because I'm so excited I just have to tell EVERYONE! 8D I'm pregnant with a baby girl due on June 4th! She shall be named Lillian! Haven't thought of any middle names yet but we'll get there! So yea, bragging over. x3


I tend to poof every now and then, but I always end up coming back. :)

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Welcome to the forums! :) I'm Trig (or RayRay). Enjoy perusing the forums! And congratulations on your baby girl, I like the name Lillian, one of the few girl names I like :3 I'm pretty picky when it comes to that stuff :3 Anyways, enjoy!

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Welcome to lovely TDN Forums! I am Neomysterion, and I'm a forum moderator over here.

If you need any help, have any concerns, or any reports of Meepit attacks, consult me or another staff member and we'll be glad to help.

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Hey Kichu, I'm Saxen :) Nice to meet you!


Congratulations on the one mil and [of course] even more so on the little bundle of joy!! Must be so exciting ^_^ You should check out babynames.com if you haven't already for middle names, I use it for character creation. It's got all the meanings and everything which is pretty cool.


Welcome to the forums hun :D

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