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So I have never really saved for anything on Neopets before. Well, nothing that was over 100,000NP anyway. But I think I want to save for Faerie Xweetok Morphing Potion and change my Blumaroo Adraegyn. I'm so excited! I hope it doesn't take me too long!


Good luck! Have patience, regardless of how many NP you have. (Sometimes, it's so tempting to spend it when you're saving and see the amount you managed to save!) Remember games help. I'm not a restocker but I've managed to save enough to buy a Halloween Paint Brush + Darigan one before. :) Can't recall how long it took but yeah. Habitarium's pretty helpful for saving up, too!


Thanks! Have to say, since I made the decision to buy it I've been smiling. Can't wait! But yea, I think it may take me a couple of months between, games, habitarium and my shop. I already have 100,000 to start with. Hopefully I won't have too much temptation to spend... Usually once I put NP in the bank they don't come out. Thanks for the encouragement guys!


Faerie Xwee MPs are pretty easy to come by, if you stalk the auctions often enough, they usually go for under 1mil. That's definitely attainable especially if you run your Habi like a madman. Good luck saving! :)


Coolbeans! It's always fun to have something np-wise to work towards :) I'm sure with Habi and KQ you'll be there in no time :D


i love faerie Xwees too! :D good luck saving, and thanks for the tip about the auctions Kaie (i'll have to take a look)


habi is very good *hugs habi* i'm sure it will take you no time at all :) (and i love your pet's name, perfect for a faerie!)

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