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1st day playing Keyquest


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Finally decided to give KQ a try today after I've heard about the great rewards. I'm not sure if this reward is considered good by the standards of experienced key-questers, but I got a pleasant surprise when I unlocked my vault! I am officially a KQ fan! =D



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Congrats! That really is awesome :D Now, brave the world of constant KQ playing and getting junk items 50% of the time xP I'm not trying to discourage you, it's just that you probably shouldn't expect stuff like that all the time, or you're going to want to punch your computer.

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That's awesome! So lucky :D


I've redeemed about 60 gold keys and am yet to get a paintbrush :'( Still I sold a lot of neggs back in the days when I didn't know about the NP-making wonder that is Habitarium.


Might go give KQ a play right now actually ;D

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That's an awesome prize! What a lucky haul for your first time playing :D Congratulations!

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I play keyquest fairly often but yesterday I talked my granddaughter into playing it on her account (she never had before) and she got a gold key which she redeemed for a Tyrannian Paint brush . She said she didn't want to paint her pets so she would donate it....When I told her how much it could be worth she promptly said I could buy it from her if I wanted it...This coming from the one I used to buy rotten old shoes from her shop for 99,990nps so she could build and furnish her neohome.. :sad02: I guess I taught her the art of bartering too well.

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