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Is Neopets failing to load for anyone else?


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I'm having a really hard time so far today. Usually I grab some things from the Second Hand Shoppe in the morning but not today. I was waiting almost three minutes for it to reload!

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I'm having the same problem. It was working perfectly, and then suddenly, nothing was loading. (Or it was taking ages to load.)


I'm just going to get some other things done, then check back in a little bit.

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My account is so slow that I have had time to clean my apartment while waiting for Tombola to load... I guess it's a hint that I won't be playing much today.



Seems to be running a little more smoothly now....




Although some things will take a while to get back in check.



2 Minutes later....


"Grumbles.... Grumbles, Grumbles....

Nevermind. Still Slow."

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there also appear to be a number of glitches affecting users all over the site, some people have reported problems with habi (slow, errors), data missing (book lists, pets not training, shops/galleries missing)


there is a neoboard compiling a list of errors here: http://www.neopets.com/neoboards/topic.phtml?topic=149953366&next=81


i'm off to bed, but i imagine it would be a good idea to avoid important things today, some people have reported problems with lots in the Trading Post too.

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Still super laggy for me. I have manged to clean the entire house though which is a plus. Guess all my neo shopping will have to wait until later. :-)

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It's going pretty slow for me as well, I'm sure it'll get sorted out soon ^_^

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Hmm - It's saying I haven't voted for two of the Neopies categories when I have..... Really hoping this wont affect anything o_O

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It's very slow today. It's not your cookies or anything. I already went to other websites to see how fast they were loading -- they are all normal. It'll probably go away shortly. At least my Habitarium seems alright for me to work with, aside from it killing my lap top. xD

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Maybe it's a result of the maintenance work they were doing yesterday? Anywho, hope it clears up soon, I wanted some bargains from Ye Olde Second Hand Shoppe


Same here! LOL


It's been slow for hours and hours. I have resigned myself not opening Neopets again until later this evening.

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the site ran fine for me yesterday but i only did my dailies. habi didn't seem to be as far along as normal when i checked it just now, so i would say the majority of the glitches got fixed.


the new NC mme seems to still be very glitchy with people receiving multiple bonuses, but not all their stages etc. so NCers should be wary about trading at the moment especially if trading for mme-11 items.

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