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Inexpensive set for Space Faerie?


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I finally (after shelling out a total of $29) got the Space Faerie as an opponent. Now I've shelled out about 400k to go against her (thanks to lots of guides that were misleading) and still haven't won.


My pet definitely isn't the problem. I borrowed it from a friend who beat the Space Faerie with the pet, and the pet has only gotten better stats wise since then. My issue is coming up with the right set (without spending all of my NPs) and then figuring out in which order to use them all.


One guide seemed like it would have been useful, but it wasn't me to use Fiery Gaze AND Normal Attack, which you can't do... so I don't understand.


The set I currently have is as follows:


Four Shooting Star Muffins, Downsize!, Dual Battle Mirror, Lucky Robots Foot, and the Freezing Scroll (I used it the last round and no longer have one apparently, so I'm going to go buy another one).


Like I said, I don't want to use a ton of NPs, and really 200k is the absolute most I'm willing to spend on any weapon. Especially if it is a one use, since the minute I defeat Space Faerie I will never step foot in the battledome again.


Suggestions? Please? I am dying literally and figuratively lol.

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Well there are some really good sets you can purchase for that which are geared towards beating her but your pet stats are more important.


Yes. I understand that. Your response wasn't helpful at all. My pet already has more than good enough stats to beat the Space Faerie. I'm asking for an actual set.

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Have you tried using either 2 Prickly Potions or 2 Voidberry Potion? They use the STR boost of your opponent (in this case the Space Faerie) and usually makes it easy to beat her. Some people on the Neoboards are willing to lend you these weapons for collats too. ;)

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The set I used was as follows:


Prickly Potion

Prickly Potion

H400 Helmet (Any freezer will work though)

Hubrid Nox Memorial Shield

Thick Smoke Bomb

Crisp Blue Tunic (best healer for the neopoints)


Sword of Reif


Due to the limitations of your available funds I recommend the following:

Voidberry Potion

Dual Battle Mirror

Thief Dagger

Patched Magic Hat

Thick Smoke Bomb

Best healer you can afford with your remaining budget.

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Due to the limitations of your available funds I recommend the following:

Voidberry Potion

Dual Battle Mirror

Thief Dagger

Patched Magic Hat

Thick Smoke Bomb

Best healer you can afford with your remaining budget.


Thank you very much, I'll look into trying this now. Is Lucky Robot Foot a good healer? Or is there another one that you would recommend?

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It is the cheapest 100% healer in the game, just use it with discretion. You may need 1-2 attempts at beating her and they are a little pricey. One use items can get expensive fast. Thick Smoke Bomb is another example of an item like that. One Use.


How much HP does your pet have?


You are also going to need a freezer, what species is the pet you will be using?

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It is the cheapest 100% healer in the game, just use it with discretion. You may need 1-2 attempts at beating her and they are a little pricey. One use items can get expensive fast. Thick Smoke Bomb is another example of an item like that. One Use.


How much HP does your pet have?


You are also going to need a freezer, what species is the pet you will be using?


Species: Shoyru Colour: Snow Gender: Male Age: 2,480 days Level: 113 Health: 357 / 347 Mood: delighted! Hunger: bloated Strength: ULTIMATE (184) Defence: GREAT (37) Move: EXCELLENT (49) Intelligence: ULTIMATE GENIUS (389)

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All things considered, availability of your funds, the stats of your pet, the Space Faerie's weapons and stats, then I recommend using the following set:


Constant - Golden Compass - 50k (9 Icons, 3fire, 3light, 3air, Also defends from 3 dark icons)

Constant - Ridiculously Heavy Battle Hammer - 6k (9 Icons, 3air, 3earth, 3physical)

Freezer - Scroll of Freezing - 75k (100%, 20% chance to break permanently)

Bomb - Brain Muffin - 4.5k (15 icons, 5earth, 5light, 5physical - SINGLE USE)

Bomb - Icy Muffin - 1.25k (15 icons, 5air, 5water, 5physical - SINGLE USE)

Defense - Thick Smoke Bomb - 15k (100% blocker - SINGLE USE)

Healer - Lucky Robots Foot - 14k (Full Heal - SINGLE USE)

Shield - Patched Magic Hat - 28k (11-14 Icons, 5earth, 3light, 3-6physical)

Total Price of Set: 193,750 Neopoints

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Taking Space Faerie's weapons and your stats into consideration, my recommendation is to have:


Ridiculously Heavy Battle Hammer

Ridiculously Heavy Battle Hammer

Scroll of Freezing* (or Randomly Firing Freeze Ray which is once per battle, not use)

Brain Muffin*

Brain Muffin*

Thick Smoke Bomb*

Lucky Robots Foot*

Steam Jug (blocks all light, defends 2 water, and attacks with 7 icons; Less than 1K)*


* = Fragile or One-Use


Shields won't do a lot because your defence boost is very low compared to your strength boost. The best time to use your bombs is when the Space Faerie is frozen and your berserk attack with both muffins.


Sink is much more useful than Burrow in this battle, as the Space Faerie can do no earth or air damage.


Good luck! ;)

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  • 2 weeks later...

I would def use 2 prickly potions (or voidberry). you can often get those lent to you. I would also get Randomly Firing Freeze ray. use it first turn. if it doesnt freeze, start the battle over. use drain life, sink and burrow. Drain life is good as a first move.

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