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I went to yahoo.com today, and I looked at the top news widget, which said: "New Britney Spears photo raises eyebrows" and speculation about photoshop.


At the lower, smaller news widget with only text, it read: Ford recalls 450,000 suvs.


Which is more important? Does a celebrity's appearance and actions affect us? Or does a car recall? Does a celebrity's (Beyonce's) baby matter more, or the fact that a bullet pierced the White House?


:sad01_anim: People these days...


*and I spelled your wrong. Oops.


Priorities have been mixed up for years. Celebrities top the news on a regular basis, while tons of things happen that are way more important. Leaders toppled (they got news, but celebs got bigger news), horrible disasters (there was a fire at a hospital in India that killed tons of people, and it was hidden in the news), and changes in the economy. All of these take a backseat.


It's the same thing with politics. The New Hampshire primary happened last night. I find that important. Top news on yahoo? Celebrity stuff. Oh, wait, look, I found some political stuff! It's "Why do we find John Edwards so particularly loathsome?" and "Santorum family in Italy were 'red communists to the core'". ...Really? The DAY after New Hampshire voted?


To be fair...we're talking about Yahoo! News there. They notoriously suck.


Are you sure its a priority thing? While I agree it is important to know whats going on, and I'm not really interested in celebrities, maybe people like knowing that even when their live are not going the best at least they are normal compared to ____ and laugh that off, And many things in the news are things you cant do anything about and personally that can put a damper on my day.


I have to agree: the collective priorities of people are ridiculous. It doesn't matter if you think your life is better than a person you've never met. Entertainment is, well, entertaining, but infotainment used to be a niche market, and now it's completely mainstream. When CNN looks like a slightly more serious mid-90s MTV, or a stodgier E! "News", there's a huge problem.


one of my favourite cartoons has a series of people on a bus reading newspapers titled: world news, local news, sports news and no news.


only the no news man was happy :P


i reckon people are after escapism, you have to admit the world situation is grim, people like to hear about problems that are trivial and in no way impact them (like other peoples lives) why people enjoy gossiping.


It really depends on what you're reading I reckon. If you picked up The Times or The Guardian you'd have a totally different situation. You've also got to remember that what you looked up is on the internet, and companies will feature what they think will get them the most hits, not necessarily what's most important :/


It goes both ways since the media both caters to what "we" want to see, and tell us what we should care about in the convoluted, confusing symbiotic relationship between the media and its consumers.


When it comes to politics, The media are a mecca of "conventional wisdom". Things like the National Defense Association Act(can legally hold Americans without a trial) and the fact that Obama used a signing statement to get it through is never discussed. Although actual important policy is very rarely discussed, but this should have been BIG news. i'm also reminded of the way the media will never take Ron Paul seriously even though he's really gathering a following in this election cycle. And I'm not even a Ron Paul-ite, but he needs his due!


It really depends on what you're reading I reckon. If you picked up The Times or The Guardian you'd have a totally different situation. You've also got to remember that what you looked up is on the internet, and companies will feature what they think will get them the most hits, not necessarily what's most important :/




Their priority is right if they want to make money off of ads and hits considering Britney Spears is one of the most searched people on the internet. Plus they're probably aware that if you're looking to read world news, you're probably going to a more credible, reliable source.


It's all about the money! :P


Definitely all about the money, however I do also think that the car recall is obviously more important. But, then again as mentioned above, more people are probably going to care about the Brittney Spears thing than the car recall, especially when you consider that 1/5 of the population probably has fords and than probably 1/100 of those people have the specific car they are recalling.


It really is sad. Especially when you consider what is going on in the world and with laws being passed. You actually have to "search" for the latest and greatest because the majority of the stories are just celebrity gossip.


I don't read the news, I don't watch TV, I don't listen to popular music, I don't follow the latest fashion trends, I don't 'follow' anything... this includes any website where the term 'follow' is used... no Twitter, no Facebook, no Tumblr, no nothing for me.


I made these choices a few years ago and have been sticking by them ever since. I made these choices because I am repulsed at the magnitude of society's ignorance, and I won't have any part of it.


/rant off






*looks at the "follow" button at the top of this page* :P


(Sorry, but I just couldn't not say it. ;) )


Anyway, I agree on the money thing. The whole world spins around money. bu that's just the way it is. I don't worry about it, read what I think is important, and skip what I think is not. Easy peasy Japaneasy. :D


*looks at the "follow" button at the top of this page* :P





I didn't see the "Follow This Topic" button... I'm not familiar with the site as I've only been here for a few days.


I meant my comment more toward the idea of 'following' people. It's a group/follow-the-leader mentality, as opposed to a self-empowering, individualistic one. Certain words strike certain 'chords' in the brain. Ah, but there's no reason to get into any of that.


Dolphins and kittens and rainbows ;)


I didn't see the "Follow This Topic" button... I'm not familiar with the site as I've only been here for a few days.


I meant my comment more toward the idea of 'following' people. It's a group/follow-the-leader mentality, as opposed to a self-empowering, individualistic one. Certain words strike certain 'chords' in the brain. Ah, but there's no reason to get into any of that.


Dolphins and kittens and rainbows ;)


I didn't mean to criticize you in any way. :) I was just trying to make a funny in an otherwise very serious topic. :P


I do understand what you mean by the way, and I do the same thing to a certain extent. I need media like facebook to keep in touch with people that I care about, as I moved from the Netherlands to California a little over 2 years ago. In cases like that, "following" can be good thing. I only watch people that I care about though. I'm not the person that will add random strangers.


(note; I do have some gaming friends in my lists, but they are blocked from everything I do but the games. Maybe it's time to delete them too, not playing any games any more besides Neo...)

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