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I'm a long way off from achieving my goal of morphing Organs into a Draik, and possibly an even longer wait after that until Transparent comes out (d'oh) but I was thinking about getting her Petpet now so I can start working on her story asap, and I need your help cuz, well.. I'm stumped :/


I want something spooky/gross/scary, and I was thinking of one of these possibly cause it will go with her colour (I wanted to call him entrails XD)




but they don't have much of personality compared to a lot of other Petpets.. Ionno D:


If anyone could venture some ideas they would be much appreciated :) Here is her planned custom (Though imagine Transparent instead of White :P):




:D I think that would be the perfect match, though I see the problem.


I love matching pets/petpets. I'll take a look and edit this with some ideas.


This one just looks gross to me, so it might fit the theme:

baby_space_fungus.gif Baby Space Fungus




boogie.gif Bogie (Looks very... mucus-y)


petpet_spooky_dribble.gif Dribblet


petpet_spooky_goop.gif Goople (Possible other colors)


hall_petpet3.gif Sludgy (Maybe some other colors)


snowbunny_snot.gif Snotbunny


angelpuss_halloween.gif Halloween Angelpuss


navibot_halloween.gif Halloween Navibot



:/ Yeah. There are other painted versions of the Intesteen but they all look a bit blank to me expression wise.


Thank you Spritzie :) I had a feeling you'd be a good help with this ;P


The petpet you've chosen does in fact look like an intestine, it kind of creeps me out in fact :shiftyeyes_anim:

But as far as other choices go, I would suggest:

nedler_zombie.gif Zombie Needler for the slightly creepy look

tapira_halloween.gifHalloween Tapira for the sudo transparent look

halloween_jinjah.gifFor the super cute, pretending to be evil and scary.


Don't know where you're going with her story but I thought it might be cute for her sidekick to be a cookie who think's he's really scary but everyone just tells him he's cute. That would be my vote but I'm not sure if it fit for you.


how about a Sklyde ... or any of its color variations ...? petpet_sklyde.gifsklyde_blue.gif


Organs has an endo-skeleton ... and Sklyde is an exo-skeleton


or a petpet_snomorg_green.gif Snomorg ... it's like the Frankenstein monster .. made from various body parts


Awww the Bogie is adorable! I never even knew that one existed :O


Thanks so much for your suggestions guys. I really like the Skeletonny ones :) The Sklyde is awesome, he's going on my shortshort list - kinda looks like he could have been a doggy ^^


I probably should have included my backstory in my first post (though that's a good suggestion Wembly :)). Basically Organs was once the privileged daughter of a wealthy family, but she was kidnapped and killed (or something, needs to be neo-appropriate), and became a Ghost. Through her rage and determination to exact revenge on her killers she gains physical form (Transparent).

It's all in it's very early stages right now hence why it sounds so crap, I've only just figured out the basic story. I'm thinking of how a Petpet could fit into it.. Was thinking maybe her pet from when she was alive?? :S


She could have contracted an illness when she was kidnapped (and taken to some exotic place she'd never been, thus how she got so sick and it was serious enough she died), and since she was so sick... well, the Bogie/Snotbunny could be what her original petpet looks like, after she sneezed on it. (Gross, I know...)


well , in The Corpse Bride , the pet is a skeleton dog ;) and The Corpse Bride story is very similar to Organs' story :) :) she's kidnapped by a stranger and killed and vows revenge by insisting on finding her killer -but for that to happen she needs to be wed first-




You could make the petpet zombie and so it's like the petpet died with her and then when she gained her physical form she resurrected her poor dead petpet, and so it comes back zombie. Just a thought :P


Like the meepit...



Edit: Most of the good spooky petpets have been mentioned but I also think these are kind of cool:







Zomutt (goes with the zombie idea, although this one isn't actually painted zombie)






And also:




Skelly - has the whole skeleton thing going on, but not as much personality as the others imho


Ahhh such good ideas guys!! Thank you so much for all of your suggestions, I really appreciate it ^_^ I'ma get writing her story soon. I've made a list of these petpets to see which one will fit most, though I'm thinking it's probably going to be the Sklyde. I lieks him and I think he'd suit a Transparent pet well :). (And Angelo I *love* the Corpse Bride <3 One of my favourite movies!)

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