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My FN button on my Toshiba Labtop isn't working! It's the button on the keyboard.

It's not really important at the moment but I have a feeling I will need it soon and it's bugging me. :/


Any way to fix this?


Beyond taking your laptop apart to clean it not likely, you should be able to find a local computer repair company that will do it for around 25.00-50.00 USD. Give or take.


i also think there is a way to re-assign keys.. but you'll have to look it up. generally once keys start failing you probably should look at getting it completely fixed, because they start failing right after each other (mine was like.. the t, space then a i and f key failed one after the other.. and i used the on screen keyboard because was too lazy to get it fixed..)


if you are going to take your keyboard apart, check if its one you can pop the keys off (mac and most desktop keyboards will, some laptop ones you have to take it apart), or if your laptop is covered by warranty, you could void the warranty by opening it yourself.


and taking it apart is not always going to fix it, friend took his macbook apart and when he put it back together even more keys didn't work.. (but the way he told me he did it i don't think he took it apart properly)


This may be a foolish question but how do you know it's not working? lol


Function button usually calls for two (or more) buttons to be hit simultaneously for it to work. Maybe the other buttons are actin' funky too?


Well before, after I hit the function button, something would pop up at the top of my screen which would allow me to change my settings (like the tint of my screen) but now nothing happens.


Try taking that one key out, clean under it and put it back in. Works for me everytime.


How do you take keys out? I've always been scared that I'd break my keyboard LOL


it depends on your keyboard, but you can usually lever something under the key and pop it off. i use a little spatula from my chem lab kit :P i've also done it with a pen


if you are really worried, there is youtube :) thats where i learnt to take my ipod apart!


I had that happen to me too! I never really figured it out, but I think it has to do with the software. I think there's something called flash cards or something that manages the settings. It was very irritating when I was trying to hook up my computer to a projector, because it controls that as well. I had to go into the options and change some things, and I think it kind of worked after that.

My dad has that laptop now, so I'm not sure.


Anyway, it sounds like the same problem and it was on a Toshiba, so I'm not sure messing with the keyboard will help.

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