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Giovanni Gale

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I'm writing for MoTA, so I'm getting plenty of practice (although honestly things have been going a bit slow lately).

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I've liked your writing for MoTA thus far, especially your tutorials and explanations of certain aspects of the game. I find them informative, easy to understand and fun at the same time :D

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Fun? I thought they were just lame. :P


The graphics for the tutorial maps alone took up 50+ layers in GIMP... I wonder how many layers the actual battle maps will take up.

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50 layers?!?! Wow, I feel sorry for you, that must be a lot of work.


And they were fun in a lame way, similar to laughing at one of those old "Chicken crossing the road" jokes. They are lame but occasionally good for a cheap laugh/fun.

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And it's fun work. Good GIMP practice, although I have to keep refraining from the temptation to merge some of the layers.

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So if you needed to make a tutorial map thing that had 50 layers, how long did the tutorial take you to make? (including writing it)

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Taking into account the time I used to finish up some other stuff, I spent about 11 hours straight on that tutorial (I did mention that I stayed up until 5am).

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Wow 11hrs? That's a lot of effort, at least it turned out looking good.


If you spent 11hrs on the tutorial alone, how long is it going to take you to do all the battles and storyline?!?! (mostly rhetorical question, you don't actually have to answer)

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Unfortunately, my parents would have woken up by then and wondered why I was still awake. :P


The storyline is fine - it's real fun for me to do, and I can do it as fast as I need to.


The maps for the battles themselves won't take that much more effort than the tutorial ones actually. I just have to get the log of all your moves from Cameron, and then place all the little graphics on the map. :)

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I would like to stay up to 4-5 am tonight but I've got to get up for my tennis training, which starts at 7:30...


Also, I did a bit of RSing tonight after quitting that ages ago. Not much luck thus far (only about 10k profit) but hopefully I'll snag something good soon.

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I've lowered my sell margin for the Stock Market, so I'm actually getting a decent profit out of it now. :yes:

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Oh, I've kind of neglected my Stock Portfolio for the past few weeks, it's currently sitting around 100k stocks which is about 1.6 million neopoints.


Of course I'm not making or losing any money from this as it is all sitting idly for the moment...

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I'm buying 1000 stocks a day at 15-17 NP, and selling when they reach 20. Not much for each batch, but it adds up with me continuously selling. :yes:

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I used to sell at 30, but once my port started to increased, I raised my selling standard.


Of course I don't sell at all at the moment, but I might try and ease my way back into the market.

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I will probably raise my selling price once I diversify enough. Right now, I don't have enough investments to do that.


I wonder... if companies can go bankrupt in Neopets, do new companies get set up?

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I don't think so, as far as I know only a few companies went bankrupt a few years ago (its been like 2-3 years since the last one went belly-up). But I've never heard of new companies being made. Well none recently, but I can notice a difference in the art of some companies. So perhaps there were a new batch released a few years ago. Either that or TNT just updated the companies logo.


EDIT: On second though, disregard that. I looked and the quality of the logos are all pretty much the same. All the images are pretty old.

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Well it doesn't really make sense for companies to be able to go bankrupt, but not to be created - wouldn't that mean that the total number of companies would be dropping continually over time?

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That is true, but Neopia's Stock Market isn't like the real market and TNT can make a company go bankrupt whenever they like. So while it is true that the number would drop continually, TNT will make sure the number will never reach too low by either ceasing to make them go bankrupt (it's been a while since the last one) or just adding new ones. I might just have to look into this matter *researches*

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Well I'd look it up all over the web but I don't have that much time right now. :P *Waits patiently for the results of your research*

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Well, I've posted a topic about it on the Neoboards. I researched, but this seemed like the best way to find out the answer.

Now we wait until the nice people on the Stock Tips board give us an answer...


EDIT: In fact, just so I don't forget the link, I'll post it here: http://neopets.com/neoboards/topic.phtml?topic=118775190 . Feel free to bump it until we find an answer :D

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