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I sit in the front row in Geography (can't see the board otherwise), but I fell asleep for a minute with a sub there today and I got away with it. Didn't get very far on the assigned reading though....


The subs give feedback about the class here. And you can get in big trouble if you don't behave. But, I suppose the fact that the class managed to go with out laughing during the national anthem (the singer is NOT good with high notes. x_x) helped. We broke into laughter during the pledge, but quited down by the time we got to the Texas pledge.


Very. It gose smoothly with the lower notes, maybe slightly off pitch, but the high notes.... x_x I have tone sensitive ears. It hurts.


It's on the PA system! They're in the office. ANd we do manage to stay quite. Unless something gose REALLY off, or there's like, a crash in the background or something.

Guest Астр&#10

When we say the Pledge of Allegence the principal is in the office saying it while my Earth and Space science teacher is trying to get everyone in the class to stand up. Unpatriotic batch of r-tards.


We stand and say it. And then actually stay standing for the 30 seconds of silentce afterwords. It's just habit by now I guess.

Guest Астр&#10

we have about 5 or 6 seconds of silence, showing respect for the troops George W. Bush sent over to the middle east.

Guest Астр&#10

Totally lost in insanity? Isn't that what her new username means?


Dunno, don't care. I think it's neat. Besides, I have homework. x_x

Totally lost in insanity? Isn't that what her new username means?


um...no. I'm totally busy. I can't spare a lot of time to go on the internet.


I'm never offline, not while the sun's out. I can do my homework and talk at the same time.

totakeiko reminds me of an Aztec sculpture


well that is...interesting...now I am a sacrifice our own people, Aztec...

LOL sorry, I meant the screenname XD :laughingsmiley: not U


XD It's cool. I was just messing with you! XD


Things my new screenname sounds like:

Totem Pole Keiko

Totally Keiko

Some Aztec Sculpture...

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