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Giovanni Gale

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Test? No, just some puzzles that fit in with the storyline. Like the puzzles in the Neopets plots for example.

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I am so going to fail lol. I always use TDN for those puzzles, but WHO'S GOING TO HELP ME THIS TIME?!?!?!

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What you need, my friend, is patience. :yes: The codes will take time to crack, so don't hurry yourself.

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Snow? Up here in North Indiana we got snow... AND FLOOD WATERS!!!!!!! I'll take a picture of my neighbor's yard soon. I am so fortunate that our foundation is raised on an artificial hill.

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I do! :P


And that's a darn good comic by the way... reminds me of a game I used to play.

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Well perhaps all you Anti-DOOM guys should get together and have a convention... at the same place... at the same time... I guess you call it putting all your eggs in one basket. It would sure save us a lot of time :devil:

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I didn't become evil because it was easy, I picked it because it was FUN. Ruling the world and leeching funds from large international corporations (and governments) is just so fun and well, evil! :devil:

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*watches as 10 legions of personal meepit bodyguards capture the opposition*


There is lots more where that came from and they weren't even one of our genetically modified meepit legions :devil: .

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Oh yeah? I believe you do not fully understand me when I say "Ruler of All Meepits!" There is aLOT more from me where that came from, and warriors come equipped with missile-launching air recon signaler-thingies! (I didn't name them...) And I'm sure some of our higher-ranking meepit officials can persuade your normal body guards to come back to where they truly belong... with Revenge! :evil:

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You can't own all meepits, even if you say you do. They are free-thinking creatures that can side with whoever they want. Our huge masses of meepits just happened to side with the winning team. Unfortunately we outnumber you significantly in both members and armies. Oh and by the way, we don't only have meepits... :devil:

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Ooh... a feepit skin rug. I've heard those are a killer on the budget, even for millionares. :evil:


And DOOM Bringer forgot to mention that DOOM's hardware significantly outclasses any other hardware in existence.

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I got back from my snowboarding trip, it was awesome. :king:

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