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Hang Out and Post

Giovanni Gale

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hmm so weird, the forums now work fast as usual XD maybe it's the server...


Maybe your modem was sleeping and was shunning the forums...XD

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Too late, it's all gone. *rush comes and bounces on walls* Wow I feel really energized have you ever seen me this hyper I don't think so because if I was ever this hyper before you would know but since I haven't been this hyper before it's really cool and you know what else is cool it's crackers.

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Hyperness is fun especially when you're like crazy hyper but not being hyper isn't fun so I try to be hyper most of the time. Darn it I think my sugar rush is wearing off.

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Guest Астр&#10

One of my teachers last year wouldn't allow anyone to put their head on their desk. I never had a problem because that was my favorite class, Biology I.

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