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Hang Out and Post

Giovanni Gale

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lol worships I don't worship him... I like the song though!


F is for friends who do stuff together

U if U and Me!

N is for anywhere andything and all!



Here down in the deep blue sea

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Ehh, no lets keep talking about iPods. >:-)

ANybody here have an iPhone? I doubt it though since its so expensive.

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which one? spongebob or I pods O.O (please choose spongebobXD)

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Well actually I'd prefer to discuss iPods and the such. :evil:


I remember there was this guy making a speech about MP3 players and iPods some time back, and he got mixed up and said 'IP3 players and mPods'. XD That was such a laugh.

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blah blah blah tecknowledge is bad for you don't rely it on everything instead calm doewn and breathe the cool air.... *coughing due to the polution of the air* I'm okay *cough cough XD*

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I don't really like the iPhone. I've heard there was a lot of problems with it. And Verizon (in the US at least) is starting to come out with more touch phones that are shweet!

Yea, I heard someone got a load of bills cause of their iPhone.

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Wow, really? I thought they would at least cover some of the stuff in their warranty...

^Mikey here is the clip I saw^

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They say that don't talkk on the phone if there a lightening storm there this girl on the news who phone blew up while she was taking she was okay and so were her ears but shewas mentally damaged

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That's nothing compared to what some people send...


But I agree that AT&T is just being ridiculous with their bills.

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Wow...that is completely ridiculous. I don't see why they have to record every single text message.


And she sent 35000!!

Yea, its a waste of paper to write down every single text message. <_<

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I prefer E-billing, although some oldies seem to be obsessed with the fact that it's 'not secure'. I've studied the encryption they used for that sort of stuff, and it seems a lot more secure than any other method to me.

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The encryption used for credit card numbers and the such is called the 'RSA code', which is basically a version of the Prime number lock that uses HUGE prime numbers in addition to public-key/private-key encryption.

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Well RSA is incredibly hard to crack, even with a supercomputer.


Of course, DOOM doesn't use such flimsy encryption.

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