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Yeah that site. It does contain some sexual artwork, that's why I usually refrain from posting the link here.


Omg levy, did you change your stuff ot more bleach like O.O


Oh yeah. My photoshop is on the fritz so I had Xepha whip me up a set. I supplied the renders though.


oh! that explains everything =/ well i like it nice =D


I like the blue-ness. I have no idea why though.


because bleach is blue! Get it? since the bleach is... nevermind

because bleach is blue! Get it? since the bleach is... nevermind

Depends on the brand doesn't it?


yeah but that not the oint bleach should be orange!


I thought all bleach was white... shows just how much I know about that sort of stuff.


How would I know lets just say there orane okay???


I thought bleach was white as well XD . Because I thought that was the point of bleach, to wash white cloths and stuff like that...


The only orange liquids I know of are orange paint, orange juice and carrot juice...


orange is ichigo hair I mean ORANGE! have you ever seen a kid with orange hair before O,O no I guess you have;nt


Erm... I've seen plenty of weird hair colours in my day, but never actually orange. Odd...


Lol, my hair is orange.... I'm very rare :D


Wow - orange hair. You must really stand out in a crowd. :P


Then again, all DOOM agents stand out if they want to.


Yes I do stand out in a crowd, but that may be because of the ten meepit bodyguards that follow me everywhere I go...


orange.... that looks hilarious you know crazy naruto fans girls dye their hair pink to look like sakura that what my sister did O.O


Wow, that's going real far...


I don't bother with bodyguards. My personal defense systems are far more... efficient.


*tosses a biscuit* there all your body guards gone XD


My hair doesn't look hilarious, it just looks kinda orange/red. I know heaps of people with orange/red hair, it's not like I'm super unique or a freak or something. Although I did go to Hong Kong a few years ago and people looked at me like I was the strangest thing ever. Once I had a whole bunch of waitresses in a restaurant crowding around me and talking to me lol...


attention huh? I know what you mean me asain and I would crowed around you staring at you it just that we never seen such a intresting specie *puts on glasses*


As I stated before, I don't have bodyguards. And Tom's meepit squad cannot be lured off by a biscuit.


I generally keep my nose out of other people's business, since I expect others to do the same.


I like my orange hair, it is cool :D It's pretty rare here, but obviously not as rare as it would be in Asian and African countries...

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