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Hang Out and Post

Giovanni Gale

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What did you do? I just hung out at the mall and saw a movie.

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OOOh Planet Earth is really good. I've watched some of it before and it is really well made. It's really interesting.

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So far my Sunday has been quite irritating, what with my mum trying to get me off the computer.

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So far my Sunday has been quite irritating, what with my mum trying to get me off the computer.

Get your own computer, so then you can stay on the computer as long as you want. :-)

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I do pretty much have my own computer. My mum just doesn't want me to stay on it.

She wants you to have a life outside the computer? :P

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She thinks that the computer will somehow shorten my lifespan...

LoL How would it shorten your life span?

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Apparently she thinks that it's radioactive somehow.


Random fact: Did you know that the majority of radioactive material we take in over our lifetime comes from the air we breathe?

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Apparently she thinks that it's radioactive somehow.


Random fact: Did you know that the majority of radioactive material we take in over our lifetime comes from the air we breathe?


Wow, that's kinda freaky... I guess I'm going to have to hold my breath for a while *holds breath*

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It's unavoidable actually. It's a significant factor in why we age. And it's also the inspiration for one of DOOM Corp.'s concept plans.

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Ah yes, there's nothing like harnessing the power of nature for destructive purposes :devil:

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I leave for a week and this happens. Why'z the shoutbox gone? (Don't answer that, its rhetorical.)

I have a feeling that the missing shoutbox will have some negative repercussions, some members not might even come to the forums without the shoutbox.


Anyway, I feel better now that December is here. XD

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I think everybody feels better since its December. :P

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Hmmm, I think my messed up PC is behaving a bit faster today. Its still slow though. Darn RAM chip...

Ugh, my computer is slow to. So its pretty hard for me to restock any good items. <_<

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My computer seems to be operating at it's normal speed, which is pretty good considering it's around 4 years old.

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My computer seems to be operating at it's normal speed, which is pretty good considering it's around 4 years old.

Ehh, I got a Dell <_< Wish I had a Mac.

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I'm not ready to switch from my current computer quite yet. Maybe to a different OS though.

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If you do switch OS'es, I would recommend switching to Ubuntu. It's what I use when I'm not on my Mac, which you can't switch to because you can't install OS X onto any computer except for what Apple produces.

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I'm already considering Ubuntu, but I need a CD to burn it on and I can't find our stash.

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What exactly is Ubuntu? Just curious since I haven't heard of it before..

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