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Hang Out and Post

Giovanni Gale

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Aah, the good old days. What!!! There were good old days?


And in my neighberhood, egg is not the problem. Instead, it's milk. Don't ask me who started it, but it's no fun to clean it up since everyone gets done. Last year, we put up hard hat signs. It seems to work pretty well.

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Hey, hey, Smumpkins, I'm still in high school, but I'm going trick-or-treating too.


I'm going with a group of friends.......

I just want the candy. x3

Yeah, I just want candy too. Come on! FREE CANDY! XD And fun with my friends n-n

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o_O Odd, I don't see any siggy image. *pokes computer repeatedly*


I like avocado, it tastes best when you spread it on a piece of toast. XD

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I prefer butter actually, but avacado isn't bad, and butter isn't always available. XD

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Oh, just being insane as usual.


How do you put a whole fruit on a pecice of tost?

You don't, you take a slice of the avocado, and spread it as you would with a chunk of butter.

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Yeah, but the tastelessness is part of what I like about it.


It's not complicated, you just take a slice of avocado and spread it with a butter knife.

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