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Hang Out and Post

Giovanni Gale

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Well you have a point. There's no way I could send my Meepits on a mission to find a particular person in the US. They'd get sidetracked and go on a taco stealing rampage or something instead.

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Haha. Hey Boomer, that set Xepha made you is pretty awesome. *gives Xepha a gold star*. No AA, you're still not evil enough to be considered a threat to the U.S. Air Force. I'm sorry. At least the Navy and Army hate you. :)



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No worries, just wait 15 more seconds. *Air Force One blows up* Odd, I was 15 seconds off.

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*Takes remote control and presses button* Heh, the aircraft and tanks are attacking each other.

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All right! A partner! Now, you override all the nuclear missiles and launch them at Russia. I'll pop over to Russia and override their's to launch back. Then, while they're fighting, we can get the tacos out, and after that we can defeat them!

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