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Giovanni Gale

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i love hersheys chocolates!!!

like all of them! xD


Same here! There is no such thing as a bad chocolate! Except um...that may need some thinking...

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Asparagus is green. Bananas have potassium, and I---


We interupt this blabbering for a quick test of the emergency broadcast system.

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I should think so.


We had a fire drill durning first period! It must have been weird for the prople driving by to see the whole High School out side in 'lines' at 8 AM or so in the morning. xD

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Asparagus is green. Bananas have potassium, and I---


We interupt this blabbering for a quick test of the emergency broadcast system.


WHAT IS IT! ARE WE GOING TO DIE! I"M TOO YOUNG!!! I HAVEN"T BEEN TO TOKYO! *though I have been to many places. go to my interests... http://www.tdnforums.com/index.php?showuser=347 *

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Wowie!! Cool!


Oi. I hate it when the weather heats up all of a sudden. Sets my allergies off real bad. I've been sniffing and sneezing all day and my right eye has started watering when I sneeze or nearly do. x_x

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I don't like fire drills. I remember we had this national fire drill and my spanish teacher was like " :grrr: ahh forget about that drill. Let's just continue the lesson". And he closed the windows and everybody just laughed. Before that national fire drill we had like 10 others so he got really upset because we had little time for the lessons.

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I hate fire drill also...they seem so pointless...if there is a fire, people run for there own lives...

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Nope. And my allergies had been giving me a headache before that, but that buzzer made it worse. The cool air made me feel better though. xD


And I am feeling better.

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haha exactly. On fires people don't have time to think of organizing themselves.


when we are in danger...we have to react...our wild instincts kick in...

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We had a fire drill today- actually, it wasn't a drill. Some moron pulled the alarm right when I was opening my locker, and he was arrested later today. This is why you don't pull the fire alarm, people.

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We had a fire drill today- actually, it wasn't a drill. Some moron pulled the alarm right when I was opening my locker, and he was arrested later today.


arrested??? shouldn't he have been suspended or expelled??? Was it on purpose???

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Well, if he pulled it when nothing was happning, you'd think it was on puropse....


Lucky. Pollen, mold, dust, some prefume and candle sents and cigrette smoke set mine off like crazy. x_x

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We don't seem to have fire drills at our school. At the elementary school, yes, but I haven't seen one last year or this year. We used to have one every year. o_O

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Well, the school officer came during 4th period to his class (my friend told me- he's in his class) and told him to come and bring all his stuff. And one of my teachers told me its a federal offense, or something...


And, yeah, my allergies flare up frequently too. Mine flare up when people spray that stupid deodarant, axe.

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