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I noticed this topic is more about guy talk rather than both genders talk. Just saying...
Well how do we change it then?


*Ignores AA3's suit and continues to chase him*


*runs away and gets bottle of bug spray to spray in AA's face*


I am not a bug! I'm an insect! *takes off Metroid suit and chases after AA3 with a HUGE sledgehammer*


"Bug" is also an informal term for insect, I think.

*Orders BIGGER army of sledgehammers and jackhammers mentioned in our profile comment war to attack you while I run away*


Well technically, the term bug refers to an insect with a proboscis (eg. a mosquito). Do I look like I have a proboscis to you? *notices proboscis* Oh.


Oh my GOD! It's seven word limits now? This sucks. I was getting in trouble for failing to get in the four words!


I don't really have a problem with that. I guess if you really have something to say, usually you can post more that seven words. *counts on fingers*


I don't have a problem with it either.}=8 words! Seven words is shorter than it sounds, to me.


We need a gender nuetral topic. Every one likes pies right?


Im not a big fan of fish my self.


What about fish, and pasta, and chili? Im confused.


It's the italians. I swear they drug that stuff... And I hate word limits. Sometimes I need to say something, And it doesn't require that many words... I hate having to pad stuff out just to meet some wierd limit. Why say in 20 words what you can say in three? Seems to me the best way to block spam and waste is to tell people off for spamming and being wasteful.. you have to read each post to know if they're under 4 or 7 words anyways... Why not judge based on quality, not quantity? It'd result in the same thing and lead to me not having to try and count...

Did you know that the Italians stole the recipe from the Chinese? Along with the recipe for Gunpowder, but don't put that in your pasta either!

I disagree. You so should put gunpowder in your Pasta.. it'd make life that little bit more interesting.


Does anyone else use any alternative operating systems? Am I alone? Everyone uses windows...

And unmodded windows at that.. even when I use windows it doesn't look like windows... 'Cos I'm awesome like that...


Lucky this is an offtopic board, 'cos that was kinda off topic.

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