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Guest Астр&#10

Is that? Yes it is, an insult. From a staff member?


No, I said you're full of yourself. Which is the truth. You can;t ask for forgiveness (not that you are...) after 10 minutes.

Guest Астр&#10

Ahhhhh, I feel so much better after I just turned off my tv and listened to Mozart. I have new ideas, new thoughts on everything. I have a confession. I kinda like anime (the genre). I don't really like the animation but the storylines are good. I noticed I conplain too much. I'd get sick of myself too. I apologize if my opinions insulted anyone or anyone's hobbies. You're doing a good job Anime (the mod), keep up the good work.

Guest Астр&#10

Apophis is an asteriod headed straight for Earth, It will impact on Friday April 13, 2029.

Guest Астр&#10

There is a very high possibilty, infact on that day 23 years from now Apophis will be 10 times closer to us than the moon. It will be close enough to dip below our communication satillites, it will not hit us that day. But Earth's gravity will effect it so when it returns in seven years it will hit us. As you said, we cannot be possitive. But we know it is coming.


((I snuck on during school, but I have to go now. Talk to you guys at 1:30pm NST.))

Guest Астр&#10

If it hit land it would hit with the force of 5 nuclear bombs. BUT, if it hit in the middle of the Pacific it will cause a Tsunami that would cover all land from the epicenter. That means good bye Hawaii, cya California coastline and, as if earthquakes were all you had to worry about Japan or it could possibly hit in oceania that means watch out Australia and New Zealand. Unless we do something now this football stadium-sized asteroid could be the worst thing to happen to Earth since the asteroid that caused the Dinosaur extinction, or President George W. Bush.


All this talk about asteroids has lost me completely. So I will retreat to Cheeseworld now. Someone's throwing pudding in there again. -_-

Guest Астр&#10

Hmm, all this talk about asteriods is giving me an idea. That's it! A worst-case-scenario novel! I will call it Apophis, what will happen.


(in Cheeseworld)


Hey! Stop throwing pudding! We eat that kind of stuff! Wait...is that vanilla pudding? Oh, nevermind, continue.

Guest Астр&#10

I like this music, Mozart Symphony #25.


Mr. Poopadoodle, why are you here in Cheeseworld? Aren't you supposed to be tending to your flower garden back at home?


You see, don't believe everything you read. Those are predictions only and they can change every year. And I'm sure that with the technology we have and will have, they're coming up with ideas on how to destroy it or how to get it off the way. They will know what will happen about 2-5 years before it comes to Earth, or just months or 1 year before.


You can never believe what I say. If you try, you'll hurt yourself. :O


And I live at my guild, which is like my own world, only with my friends. and tons of anime and manga and CANDY AND SODA!!!



guild fun, but gots ta update it soonss...but leader aint heres T.T


She has some family things to deal with. Mini can lead for a while though. It's not like we have a ton of active members, just a few... It's nice.


I like Coke, Dr. Pepper, and pepsi. And the candy is M&Ms, Tart 'n' Tinies, and Heart Breakers.



i shall do thy best! =DDD

i like candiess...chocolate especially though xD

just had a jolly rancher a while ago xD

and i like sprite the best =D

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