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Giovanni Gale

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Our attic is scary. And you have a possible chance of falling through the ceiling. o_O


x_xI'd worry about that... x_x the ceiling go kaboomy... x_x

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I have a TV in my room as well. xD How else do you think I stay online during my shows?


We have a new-ish house. No chance of going through the celing-you'd hit your head on something or get stuck in the inslation first. x_x

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Very bad. Dust everywhere. Allergies go kaboomy with it. x_x


:sick01: yuck :sick01: I hate allergies...especially bad ones... :sick01:

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Mine have been going off again. Dang weather.


It's turning into cold weather, so I don't get them.

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Lucky. Texas is heating up. Again.


Sorry to hear that. Soon it'll be winter, and we'll have snow!

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I like mooing! MOOOOOOOO! That's fun!

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*superpoof* I can out poof any of your poofs! *triplekawaiicowpoof!*

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Triple kawaii cow poof? Nu....


cows can be kawaii if they want to be! :crying: moo...moo...moo...farm...moo...moo...moo...farm... :crying:

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