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Hang Out and Post

Giovanni Gale

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Giovannia Gale cam back in April didnt post anything though. *sigh* just prolly checkin on his board. I know who pinned this board. Do you?

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*Comes in running away from carnivorous ferns* Woot! 20,000 on the OTB. It really is a pity that guy left... *Gets chased out by ferns*

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Yeah I am! He did! I think mabey it was Mikey I forget wel check out like the 5th page or something around there.

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My connection's too dodgy to check back there. Say, I think I lost those ferns... :shiftyeyes_anim: *Hears rustling* Aaah!

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I think Dan started it. I dunno. You welcome Buzz. AA my new computwer hard drive failed today and Im using a computer where the screen is broken and is windows 98 AND makes tons of noise when processing stuff. so :P

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I just put my new computer monitor on my old one! YAY! My mom broke our old one with her stupid work program.

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