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Giovanni Gale

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The new game in beta, Crisis Curior, brings back Yooyus, but isn't Yooyuball. And I will actually play this time! xD I'm thinking I'll join Kerludor like I did last year.

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Which ever you want! They'll be summaries of the teams and their players, so you can make a choice based on that, on what you're friends chose, or just which world you like best.

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But I dont know unless you can choose jelly world i dont know what world to choose!( And I know you can't choose jelly world)

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Oh cool Ellie! So the Altador Cup thing you choose any OPEN are of neopets! Except Lutari Island and Jelly World right?

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I wish it was jelly world I'd be the first to sign up! XD (but seriously I would join Jelly world) If Lutari Island I'd do that!

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No, you can't have 17 teams the way they'd do it. You'd have to include 2 more with laturi Island and Shekneu. (can't spell). So unless Roo Island joined and The Lost City suddenly got some inhabitants, it's not gonna happen.

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