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Giovanni Gale

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im a non veggie, but i eat meat 2-3 a week, other days i east salad or fish (can veggies eat fish, never sure)

But even for snacks, i eat veg, my latest snacks i made it,


Seafood mushrooms :D

(take the stalk out the mushroom, then squirt seafood sauce inside)

that tastes amazing


OR my personally favourite (what im eating now)

Peanut Celery

(Spread peanut butter inside the gap of the celery :P)

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Same here Metroid if i go without meat i can't even amagine what might happen...I love salads and almonds hehe i love almonds.


I love cashews. :yes:

And on another note completely unrelated to this topic, I found Waldo! *Points over at garbage can*

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Waldo is a man in a red and white striped jumper, which is a charachter from a book. Though its not really a book, its a book with loads of pictures of a scene and you must find Waldo.

Or in the UK, he is called wally


That is waldo/Wally


and these are the types of puzzles, can you find wally/Waldo


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I just felt very excited of the Altador Cup even if it's not coming this year. I was rescreahing the part I hated the most is this.

Meridell took an early lead, as Maraqua's defenders were outclassed by King Skarl's trio of speedy forwards.

I still hate you Meredell's! I was on Maraqua by the way.

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