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Lookie who found my hidden link first. Don't tell anyone else, let them find it themselves. It could be in any forum here.


*Starts hiding links in a mess of old posts in the forums*

Random links everywhere! Good luck finding my blog now!


((Err sorry, I forgot to hit the 'edit' button and I accidentally double posted.)


Its a blog, and I've hidden the link to it somewhere in these forums, along with a mess of other links to throw you all off.


Don't tell me, in the Metroid thread?


And for the record, you might wanna delete some of Dillon's BS from your profile.


We were having a conversation, using the comment system. I do that all the time on Myspace.

What's the comment system? o_O



when you view someone's profile there is a spot to the right to leave a comment on them


Dan it was not bull. ANy whoo whos comments?


Hi Guys. I return to the OTB. Haven't been here for a while. So whats up?


YAY! Nothing much. Just wait for metroid's next comic. Mods to come on and delete spam.


Yeah. I usually come on around this time and I'm getting so sick of the useless spam >:S


One day, one day Ill get them XD


Really dead. Hey Hannah! We're trying on the spam thing. Seriously. We like even less than you. We have to get rid of it! xD


xD Someone needs to be around at that time. Like a half mod thing..that are only there to delete the porn or something lol.


That's a normal mod, plus dealing with other reported things, ect.


Yeah. Someone reallly needs to elect one soon becuase it's getting out of hand. They just keep coming back again and again


A.) We HAVE normal mods, plus the rest of the staff. B.) You don't 'elect' mods. C.) Did I not say we're trying to find a way to stop it all together?


No but I was just suggesting.. thats you choose another mod thats on around that time since it stays up for 2-3 hours..


Yeah, was it about making a admin have a thing where they view the person before the sign up? Or was that someone else?


Yea, I've seen that system at other forums and so far they haven't any spammers. I have to warn that it can take up to 15 days for the account to be approved, depending on the Mods or Admin. But it really REALLY helps. I don't know if Ian has an option for this forum that will allow him to do that, though.


It was on the FM fourms. Put it in the suggestions fourm, more likely to be seen. It's a GREAT idea, and I'm sure someone (myslef included. xD) has enough time on their hands to deal with it.


Subject change time! So how many daily dare dares have you completed? I have completed 17

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