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Hang Out and Post

Giovanni Gale

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*legaspwhatjusthappenedmybrowniesgonemissing* Ai! My chocolate square has been snatched! I shall invade Jupiter and seek the hidden spaghetti noodle! *climbs aboard horse & gallops away*

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Who needs brownies when you have...swordfish!


Arr, me matey! Ye be but a cowardly land lubber if ye back away from this challenge! En guarde!

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Hey morgan i have a good roleplay idea but i think you should make it. Pm me to find out what it is.


*jumps off plank*

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Got it. All 9 posts, and banned. Just a random thing, if only one of you can report each of the posts next time, it'd be a big help and we wouldn't get overloaded inboxes.

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