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No-one beat the computer at Easy Chess? o_O I didn't know the computer was that good - or is it just me?


i think the computer cheats. When your not looking *bam* he moves all the pieces.


Well that explains a lot - I always watch the chess board. :P


You do blink right. That when the computer cheats. XD


No - I do not blink. *Gives Dillon unblinking stare* (joking).


Or Mabey us Humans just stink at chess.


Well the computer program that plays the chess game was written by a human, so it all comes back to the human. Maybe the guy who wrote the program is a grand chessmaster or something.


Edit: I beat the computer in 55 moves but it logged me out! :grrr:


I'm not that good at chess, so I haven't played that one yet.


Why is it that I'm not having problems with being logged out?


Easy Chess my foot. <_< The computer is a little much, but I might just be underskilled and haven't played in forever.


I'm a little frazzled after reading the pages I missed at Metroid's Comics. Schedule! Not secdual, scedual, or schedual!


I'm sorry. I have grammatical-spelling-correction-disorder. :S


I'd sue you... except im afraid you would spell yur name wrong and Id end of suing some 80 year old guy in Hawaii :yes:


I'm not sure what to make of that. A.) Why? B.) First of last name? C.) Are you ever gonna shut up and leave?


*slaps both with fishies* I don't want to see this. Go to the corner, both of you!


TBC apologized to me! ^_^


Mew would look funny with a hat.

I think that Mew needs a hat...


The Mew is an adoptable.

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