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Giovanni Gale

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i like the movie leprechaun, lol the first is the best by far, hadnt seen the later squals tho, liek the in space and in da hood...

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yea from 1993, youve never heard of it? its one where if you like bad horror movies its pretty funny/good..

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Guest Unequaledpyro

Oh, I'm soo bored. Metroid, where is your sprite? I want to animate it. Anything to kill time while I download Bleach 59. I hate Dial up.

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Guest Unequaledpyro



Ok, simple. I'm at 22% now.



Here's Ichigo, running!


Apparently, he has somewhere to be.

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Yeah! It is! I prefer it the other way. And I still can't post on the shoutbox, so EnlightenedOne; HII!!


Rofl, I went onto the board and there were pictures of mortogs floating all around the page and The Something Has Hapened thing said: It's raining. . .Mortogs??

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I'm going for the Sewage Surfer av. It's hard. I'm on lv 40 right now, and I'm seeing pipes when I blink. @_@


Anime, it appears you are having the Pestering Pipe Problem. (There wasn't much significance in my post. I'm just really bored.)

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heeeeeeeeeeelp on a frineds dial up.. i swear her dial up is worse then hte one i use to have butthen she has it netwroked to like err 6 computers haha

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hehe i know hte feeling anime, i already got that avi

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*pokes ellie* click my sig :-P lol waiting for my advert post to get approved for it...

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CS 1.6


err whats that? (probly knows but im kinda ou of it, goign ot bed soon..)

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