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Hang Out and Post

Giovanni Gale

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i only get on the neoboards when i need to advertise for the BC or need plot help... just not a big fan of it..

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i used to go to on the neoboards to talk to my friends. I created a very special board lol, but then this girl joined and was being rude and a stalker so we had to create a guild and chat there. Before that, I used to go to the BC boards when i entered for the first time XD. I remember everyone started to give me votes because they somehow liked my drawing, and this girl started saying it was really bad and blah blah (hers was a doodle of a cow, literally). So yea in the end i ended up winning and she lost LOL.

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im enteritng the upcoming BC so i plan on beingo n those boards next week... im entering the drawing thats in my sig

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yupyup, coudlnt guess that by name alone? heh i still have lots undone on it and stuff in the works, i tend to work fastero n other people's projects then my own


speaking of which i need to renew my domain name in the next month or so...

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hehe deffinatly cute ellie, tho i think i liek your last one better

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haha I'm IMing Tyler right now, here's what's there so far:




Mira Trippy says: (11:40:20 PM)


Dethro | *help | says: (11:40:41 PM)

On the forums, the shoutbox.

Mira Trippy says: (11:40:49 PM)


Dethro | *help | says: (11:40:57 PM)


Mira Trippy says: (11:41:14 PM)

I didn't do anything.

Dethro | *help | says: (11:41:34 PM)

I didn't say you did, but you were talking about me on the shoutbox

Mira Trippy says: (11:41:54 PM)

No I wasn't,

Dethro | *help | says: (11:42:17 PM)

I'm not going to argue

Mira Trippy says: (11:42:25 PM)

Yes you are.

Dethro | *help | says: (11:42:36 PM)

no, I don't need to

Mira Trippy says: (11:42:43 PM)

Yes you do.

Mira Trippy says: (11:42:58 PM)

you "anime loving queer"

Dethro | *help | says: (11:43:18 PM)

Why's that in quotes?

Mira Trippy says: (11:43:27 PM)

You said that.

Dethro | *help | says: (11:43:35 PM)


Mira Trippy says: (11:43:42 PM)

I don't know.

Dethro | *help | says: (11:43:49 PM)


Mira Trippy says: (11:43:56 PM)

I don't know.

Dethro | *help | says: (11:44:09 PM)


Mira Trippy says: (11:44:19 PM)


Dethro | *help | says: (11:44:38 PM)

cos why?

Mira Trippy says: (11:45:01 PM)

I tell all.

Dethro | *help | says: (11:45:53 PM)

Ok, I said those exact words over a year ago. I can't remember where but I think it was in an invisionfree board

Mira Trippy says: (11:46:10 PM)


Dethro | *help | says: (11:46:49 PM)

*sigh* the Anime Gods forums... But there was no reason for you all to go there!

Mira Trippy says: (11:47:08 PM)

What are you talking about?

Dethro | *help | says: (11:47:23 PM)

That's where I said those words

Mira Trippy says: (11:47:30 PM)


Dethro | *help | says: (11:47:36 PM)

never mind

Mira Trippy says: (11:48:07 PM)


Dethro | *help | says: (11:48:48 PM)

What do you want from me?!

Mira Trippy says: (11:49:42 PM)

you imed me o_O

Dethro | *help | says: (11:49:57 PM)

But you were talking about me on the forums

Dethro | *help | says: (11:50:35 PM)

you are obviously mad at me for something.

Mira Trippy says: (11:53:00 PM)


Mira Trippy says: (11:53:20 PM)

You're weird. o_O

Dethro | *help | says: (11:53:20 PM)

Have you ever been to the Anime Gods forums?

Mira Trippy says: (11:53:28 PM)

What's that?

Dethro | *help | says: (11:53:37 PM)

ok, then where did you hear me say (anime loving queer)?

Mira Trippy says: (11:53:51 PM)


Dethro | *help | says: (11:54:21 PM)


Mira Trippy says: (11:54:29 PM)


Mira Trippy says: (11:54:31 PM)


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