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Hang Out and Post

Giovanni Gale

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Whoes going to win?!

That is up to metroid to decide, but he is bias, so I guess anime will have to decide :P but I'm sure that a winner will not be decided until a few comics in dunno though

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we shouldn't really talk about the comics because there is a board about that????


It was just a quick thing, Vivi. Not really talking much about it. *Whistles* If anyone has further questions, please ask them in my comics board.

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I don't really miss high school, though XD. Maybe because of my friends and all, but I love college better. Funny thing is that even though we do A LOT of work and I have to stay up until VERY late to finish an assignment, I would so miss it if I had to quit. I know I'll miss it during my Spring break.

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oh right, i think the thing i most liked about school (the year(grade) 7-12) is that you go in the mornings come out the afternoon


The college (i think its US high school) is taht you may go in morning then you might have to go away for 2 hours and come back


But i didn't go to uni, i may be starting more education soon but dunno till next week when i get the phone whether im in or not, (uni in UK, is college in US) so manydifferent education phrases :P

what are you studying in College

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Eh, I haven't had much time to get on today. And my time is about to expire. x_x So here's a quick hello from Princess Ruto.


Hello! ^_^



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You've made Bunny a very happy Kadoatie.





Thanks for doing a good deed!


(Also, in case you were wondering, you have now fed 2 Kadoaties in all!)


*dances* My first Wiz feed!!!

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i'm going to try to feed one today.

BTW, I made this video yesterday XD. It is very quick lol nothing so special.




LOL ... I love that video! Especially when the Bruce starts singing!

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Uh.. It's UB, so it should be there. O.O Try RSing it at the Tropical Food shop (and do the feeders and myself a favor a feed one of those UBs Kads if you do)

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