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Hang Out and Post

Giovanni Gale

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Who said it was a joke.


Knock Knock

Who's There

Interuppting Cow



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Yes. I was bored enough to make a little set up of my lego Meepit saying Happy Bunny things. (I have this little Happy Bunny mini sgin book. xD)

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I gave him a weird look, said he was immature, said we were after the sprite, and apologized (just to shut him up) about not just e-mailing first.

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dillon, i think it be unwise to actually contact him,


he left TDN, he doesn' want to be here, he doesn't wanna talk to any members


so if you contact him, i doubt he be like

"alright dillon how you doing, having fun at TDN"

that doesn't sound like Tyler does it :S


and he didn't really know you so he wouldn't accept your email anywho

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It that he doesnt know me so i will just start chatting to him like normal. And i will ask what he likes and Tadaa. I have him.

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